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English-German translation for: piano
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Dictionary English German: piano

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NOUN   a piano | pianos
SYNO   forte-piano | piano | pianoforte ... 
NOUN   das Piano | die Pianos
SYNO   Klavier | Klimperkasten [ugs.] ... 
mus. piano {adj} {adv}
leise [bes. als Vortragsbezeichnung]
mus. piano {adj} {adv}
piano [leise]
mus. piano {adj} [attr.]
mus. piano
Klavier {n}
mus. piano [grand]
Flügel {m} [Klavier]
mus. piano
Piano {n}
mus. pianoKlimperkasten {m} [ugs.]
mus. pianoleise Stelle {f}
mus. pianoleiser Ton {m}
mus. pianoleiser Vortrag {m}
2 Words: Others
mus. mezzo-piano {adj} {adv} <mp>mezzopiano <mp>
mus. piano-heavy {adj}klavierlastig
2 Words: Nouns
mus. acoustic pianoakustisches Klavier {n}
mus. acoustic pianoakustisches Piano {n}
mus. aeolian pianoÄolsklavier {n}
mus. barrel pianoWalzenklavier {n}
mus. coin piano [nickelodeon]Münzpiano {n}
mus. console (piano)Kleinklavier {n}
mus. cottage pianoPianino {n}
mus. digital pianoDigitalpiano {n}
mus. digital pianodigitales Klavier {n}
mus. electric pianoE-Piano {n}
mus. electronic pianoDigitalpiano {n}
mus. gourd pianoDaumenklavier {n}
mus. gourd pianoKalimba {f}
mus. gourd pianoMbira {f}
mus. grand (piano)Flügel {m}
mus. grand (piano)Konzertflügel {m}
mus. jazz pianoJazz-Piano {n} [oder: Jazzpiano]
mus. piano accompanimentKlavierbegleitung {f}
mus. piano accompanimentPianobegleitung {f}
mus. piano accompanistKlavierbegleiter {m}
mus. piano accordionPianoakkordeon {n}
mus. piano accordionSchifferklavier {n}
mus. piano arrangementKlavierauszug {m}
mus. piano balladKlavierballade {f}
furn. mus. piano benchKlavierbank {f}
mus. piano careKlavierpflege {f}
mus. piano chordKlavierakkord {m}
educ. mus. piano classes {pl}Klavierunterricht {m}
mus. piano competitionKlavierwettbewerb {m}
mus. piano compositionKlavierkomposition {f}
mus. piano concertKlavierkonzert {n} [Aufführung]
mus. piano concerto [score]Klavierkonzert {n} [Komposition]
mus. piano contestKlavierwettbewerb {m}
mus. piano cycleKlavierzyklus {m}
mus. piano duoKlavierduo {n}
mus. piano educationKlavierunterricht {m}
mus. piano entry [also: piano's entry]Einsatz {m} des Klaviers [das Einsetzen der Klavierstimme]
mus. piano étude [also: piano etude]Klavier-Etüde {f}
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A 2023-06-12: ... registers on the piano
Q 2018-12-12: Ich glaube, daß hier was nicht stimmt: etudes for piano bzw. ... keyboard ...
Q 2018-08-30: piano player can't hang with the gig
A 2017-05-29: and the blokeat the piano would proffer his
A 2015-05-04: Don't shoot me … I'm only the piano player ?? - Schießen Sie auf den Pia...
A 2014-04-17: the best known one about a piano
Q 2014-04-16: my neighbor constantly bangs on the piano / he is constantly banging on th...
Q 2013-06-12: Piano recital
A 2013-04-01: If it's just the grand piano ...
Q 2010-12-20: ripples of piano
A 2010-10-20: Piano. Klavier ist zu prosaisch - wenn man einen Flügel meint.
A 2010-07-14: it's usually the piano or the sofa in the living room
A 2010-02-08: "The Piano"
A 2010-02-08: "The Piano", isn't it? Holly Hunter und Harvey Keitel.
A 2009-12-31: ...timbre of the piano you can choose another timbre
Q 2009-08-19: Seven minutes of piano jazz: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Leg_AqkGvWc
A 2009-08-11: well, sir, what's so funny about THAT? lookit this twelve inch ART tea pot...
Q 2009-05-30: piano bar - gibt es sowas in Europa? Wie hieße es?
A 2009-05-25: Piano, Madama Bella! Es gibt wenig Möglichkeiten der Kennzeichnung als "to...
A 2008-02-28: in piano

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