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English-German translation for: pick-up
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Dictionary English German: pick up

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NOUN   a pick-up | pick-ups
VERB  to pick up | picked up | picked up ... 
SYNO   to gain vigor | to percolate ... 
NOUN   der Pick-up | die Pick-ups
SEE ALSO  pickup
agr. tech. baler"Pick-up"-Presse {f}
to pick sb. up [coll.]jdn. abschleppen [ugs.]
to pick sb. up [coll.]jdn. aufgabeln [ugs.]
to pick sb. up [hitchhikers]jdn. mitnehmen
transp. to pick sb. up [passengers]jdn. aufnehmen
to pick sb. up [to meet in order to take somewhere]jdn. abholen [z. B. von der Schule]
to pick sb./sth. up [at school, the post office, the theatre, etc.]jdn./etw. abholen [von der Schule, der Post, dem Theater etc.]
to pick sb./sth. up [Br.] [coll.] [to see, discover, recognise]jdn./etw. ausmachen [sehen, entdecken, erkennen]
to pick sth. upetw.Akk. aufpicken
to pick sth. up [ take up with the fingers or beak]etw.Akk. aufnehmen
to pick sth. up [a signal]etw. auffangen [ein Signal]
to pick sth. up [also figurative for disease etc.]etw.Akk. auflesen [auch figurativ für Krankheit usw.]
to pick sth. up [fig.] [to learn how to do sth.]sichDat. etw.Akk. aneignen [lernen]
to pick sth. up [from the floor / ground]etw. aufheben [vom Boden]
to pick sth. up [from the ground]etw. vom Boden aufheben
to pick sth. up [sth. deposited at a shop etc.]etw.Akk. abholen [etw. im Laden etc. Deponiertes]
to pick sth. up [to acquire]etw.Akk. erwerben
to pick sth. up [to gather]etw.Akk. aufklauben [bes. österr., südd.]
to pick sth. up [to gather]etw.Akk. aufsammeln
to pick sth. up [to take sth. in hand]etw. zur Hand nehmen
to pick up [coll.] [weight]zunehmen [an Gewicht]
to pick up [continue]weitermachen
to pick up [improve]sich erfangen [österr.]
to pick up [improve]sich errappeln [österr.] [ugs.]
econ. to pick up [to improve]sich erholen
to pick up sb.jdn. abkriegen [ugs.] [einen Partner finden]
Unverified to pick up sb.sichDat. jdn. anlachen [ugs.]
to pick up sb. [coll.] [to find sexual partners]jdn. aufreißen [ugs.] [Frauen]
to pick up sb. [to arrest a suspect]jdn. aufgreifen [festnehmen]
to pick up sb. [to gather street urchins etc.]jdn. auflesen [auch fig.]
to pick up sth.etw.Akk. aufschnappen [ugs.] [(zufällig) hören]
to pick up sth.etw.Akk. einsammeln
to pick up sth. [a criminal gang, etc.]etw.Akk. ausheben [eine Bande, eine kriminelle Organisation]
med. to pick up sth. [an illness]sichAkk. mit etw.Dat. anstecken
games telecom. to pick up sth. [phone, cards]etw. abheben [Telefon, Spielkarten]
RadioTV telecom. to pick up sth. [radio message, signal]etw. auffangen [Radionachricht, Signal]
to pick up sth. [take up with the fingers or beak]etw,Akk. aufnehmen
to pick up sth. [to gather]etw.Akk. aufsammeln
to pick up sth. [to lift]etw.Akk. aufklauben [bes. österr., südd., schweiz.]
to pick up sth. [virus, disease]sichDat. etw. zuziehen
film pick upNachdreh {m}
pick-upAnsprecherregung {f} [Relais]
pick-upAufnehmer {m} [Messgrößen-]
film pick-upNachdreh {m}
audio tech. pick-upTonabnehmer {m}
econ. pick-upErholung {f} der Konjunktur
econ. pick-up [stimulation, upturn]Belebung {f}
automot. pickup (truck)Pick-up {m}
to pick oneself up [to brace oneself physically / mentally]sich aufraffen
to pick oneself up [to brace oneself physically / mentally]sich aufrappeln [ugs.] [sich aufraffen]
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A 2010-10-31: Thank you! And that sounds good, Wandle, I'll pick up on your sugg. for bo...
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A 2010-04-29: to pick up the scent of sth. ....
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Q 2010-03-24: pick up

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