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English-German translation for: pickled
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Dictionary English German: pickled

Translation 1 - 40 of 40

English German
ADJ   pickled | more pickled | most pickled
VERB  to pickle | pickled | pickled ... 
gastr. pickled {adj} {past-p}
pickled {adj} [coll.]
besoffen [ugs.]
pickled {adj}
FoodInd. gastr. pickled {adj} {past-p} [preserved in brine]
pickled {adj} {past-p} [metal working]
gebeizt [Metallbearbeitung]
pickled {adj} {past-p}
pickled {adj} {past-p} [coll.]
pickled {adj} {past-p}gepickelt
gastr. pickled {adj} {past-p}sauer eingelegt
pickled {adj} [coll.] [drunk]im Öl [österr. ugs.: betrunken]
2 Words: Verbs
to be pickled [coll.]sturzbesoffen sein [ugs.]
to get pickled [coll.]sich vollaufen lassen [ugs.] [alt]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. pickled beeteingelegte Rote Beete {f}
gastr. pickled beeteingelegte Rote Bete {f}
gastr. pickled beetseingelegte Rote Beeten {pl}
gastr. pickled beetseingelegte Rote Beten {pl}
gastr. pickled codLaberdan {m}
gastr. pickled cucumberEssiggurke {f}
gastr. pickled cucumberEssiggurkerl {n} [österr.]
gastr. pickled cucumberGewürzgurke {f}
gastr. pickled cucumberSalzgurke {f}
gastr. pickled cucumbersaure Gurke {f}
gastr. pickled cucumbersEssiggurken {pl}
gastr. pickled eggSolei {n}
gastr. pickled eggsSoleier {pl}
gastr. pickled gherkinSalzgurke {f}
gastr. pickled herringRollmops {m}
gastr. pickled herringSalzhering {m}
gastr. pickled okraeingelegte Okra {f}
gastr. pickled onioneingelegte Perlzwiebel {f}
gastr. pickled onioneingelegte Zwiebel {f}
gastr. pickled onionsEssigzwiebeln {pl}
gastr. pickled onionseingelegte Zwiebeln {pl}
gastr. pickled salmongebeizter Lachs {m}
pickled steelgebeizter Stahl {m}
3 Words: Nouns
gastr. (pickled) herring saladHeringssalat {m}
gastr. pickled pigs' feet [also: pickled pig's feet]eingelegte Schweinefüße {pl}
gastr. rolled pickled herringRollmops {m}
4 Words: Nouns
gastr. (pickled) knuckle of porkEisbein {n}
5+ Words: Others
Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers. [nursery rhyme and tongue twister][Kinderreim und Zungenbrecher]
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A 2021-03-23: Let's be fair, mates. +"pickled cabbage" "refining through fermentation."+...
A 2021-03-23: "pickled cabbage" "fortification through fermentation" don't do particular...
A 2012-02-07: the most common of pickled gherkins: "Saure Gurken"
A 2009-11-23: +pickled beets+ ist ganz gebräuchlich und richtig
A 2007-06-27: My favourite is the pickled herring merchant.

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