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English-German translation for: pictures
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Dictionary English German: pictures

Translation 1 - 63 of 63

English German
NOUN   a picture | pictures
VERB  to picture | pictured | pictured
picturing | pictures
Bilder {pl}
film (the) pictures {pl} [esp. Br.]
Kino {n}
2 Words: Verbs
photo. to develop picturesBilder entwickeln
photo. to take picturesfotografieren
photo. to take picturesAufnahmen machen
to view picturesBilder betrachten
2 Words: Nouns
animated picturesbewegte Bilder {pl}
film camera picturesKamerabilder {pl}
cheap picturesbillige Bilder {pl}
childhood picturesKindheitsbilder {pl}
photo. cloud picturesWolkenbilder {pl}
digital picturesDigitalbilder {pl}
dirty pictures [coll.]Wichsvorlage {f} [vulg.] [pornografische Bilder]
photo. drone picturesDrohnenbilder {pl}
floor picturesBodenbilder {pl}
genre picturesSittenbilder {pl}
photo. holiday pictures [Br.]Urlaubsbilder {pl}
comp. living picturesbewegte Bilder {pl}
comp. My Pictures [Microsoft Windows]Eigene Bilder {pl} [Microsoft Windows]
journ. newspaper picturesZeitungsfotos {pl}
nude picturesAktbilder {pl}
film photo. nude picturesNacktbilder {pl}
art comm. pictures auctionBilderauktion {f}
porn pictures [coll.]Pornobilder {pl} [ugs.]
hist. rock picturesFelsmalerei {f}
sex picturesSexbilder {pl}
stereoscopic picturesStereoaufnahmen {pl}
RadioTV television picturesFernsehbilder {pl}
transfer picturesAbziehbilder {pl}
photo. underwater picturesUnterwasserbilder {pl}
vacation pictures [Am.]Urlaubsbilder {pl}
bot. vegetation picturesVegetationsbilder {pl}
world picturesWeltbilder {pl}
3 Words: Others
full of pictures {adj} [postpos.]voller Bilder [nachgestellt]
in moving pictures {adv}in Bewegtbildern
3 Words: Verbs
photo. to take pictures (of sb./sth.)(von jdm./etw.) Fotos machen
3 Words: Nouns
art collection of picturesBildersammlung {f}
art collection of picturesGemäldesammlung {f}
connoisseur in picturesExperte {m} in Bildern
flood of picturesBilderflut {f}
comp. tech. group of pictures <GoP>Bildergruppe {f}
comp. tech. group of pictures <GoP>Bildgruppe {f}
art photo. sequence of picturesBilderfolge {f}
series of picturesBilderreihe {f}
photo. series of picturesBilderserie {f}
series of picturesBildserie {f}
photo. series of picturesSerie {f} von Bildern
film slow motion picturesZeitlupenaufnahmen {pl}
story in picturesBildergeschichte {f}
4 Words: Others
Are the pictures straight?Hängen die Bilder gerade?
4 Words: Verbs
film to go to the pictures [old-fashioned]ins Kino gehen
4 Words: Nouns
photo. before-and-after picturesVorher-nachher-Bilder {pl}
film hist. history of motion picturesFilmgeschichte {f} [Historie]
journ. pictures in the newspaperZeitungsfotos {pl}
walls hung with picturesmit Bildern behangene Wände {pl}
walls hung with picturesmit Bildern behängte Wände {pl}
5+ Words: Others
He returned the pictures unexamined.Er schickte die Bilder unangesehen zurück.
Pictures appeal to the eye.Bilder sprechen das Auge an.
5+ Words: Verbs
to scratch a wall with pictureseine Wand beschmieren
to stick pictures in a bookBilder in ein Buch kleben
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Moving Pictures [Terry Pratchett]Voll im Bilde
mus. F Pictures at an Exhibition [Mussorgsky / Ravel]Bilder einer Ausstellung [Mussorgski / Ravel]
mus. F Pictures from the EastBilder aus Osten [Robert Schumann]
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A 2018-07-22: https://www.google.co.uk/search?ei=WJVUW62_NMGYsAHE3qWQAg&q=%22to+transfer...
A 2018-01-03: prospects, pictures
A 2017-04-24: Great music, most beautiful pictures
A 2016-04-09: Here pictures without the summer bit. Easy to see it takes time. There is ...
A 2016-04-09: Show me the " exact point ". It will be differeent depends where you are. ...
A 2015-11-06: Etwas seltsam ist hier doch nur "pictureS" und dann "it".
A 2015-09-15: Ok - I was distracted by the pictures here -
Q 2015-07-24: pictures at better levels
Q 2015-07-04: That's me on the following pictures... ;)
A 2015-02-05: It is not a big thing to store such pictures as coded data with a separate...
A 2015-02-04: Only about 900 cat pictures here :-)
A 2015-01-01: No German, but some pictures that might help.
A 2014-12-28: no pictures
A 2014-11-27: wild turkeys we see are rarely as impressive as those pictures
A 2014-09-14: Advertising pictures
A 2014-08-12: so so.... You mean actual pictures?
A 2014-07-08: What pictures?
A 2014-07-07: I can see the pictures in chrome but not IE.
A 2014-06-24: From the pictures you can see that the chute (the funnel you put the fruit...
A 2014-04-24: pictures not worth a hundred words :-)

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