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English-German translation for: pier
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Dictionary English German: pier

Translation 1 - 45 of 45


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NOUN   a pier | piers
SYNO   dock | pier | wharf | wharfage
NOUN1   der Pier | die Piere/Piers
NOUN2   die Pier | die Piers
NOUN3   der Pier | die Piere
SYNO   Hafendamm | Landungsbrücke | Pier ... 
archi. pier [of an arch or bridge]
Pfeiler {m} [Bogenpfeiler, Brückenpfeiler]
naut. jetty
Pier1 {m} [bes. Seemannssprache {f}]
archi. pier
Stützpfeiler {m}
naut. pier
Anlegestelle {f}
naut. pier
Pier {m} [bes. Seemannssprache {f}]
naut. pier [quay, wharf]
Kai {m}
naut. pier [breakwater structure]
Mole {f}
naut. pier
Landungssteg {m}
naut. pier
Seebrücke {f}
naut. pier [breakwater structure]
Hafendamm {m}
archi. constr. pier
Brückenpfeiler {m}
naut. pier [wharf at a port]
Hafenkai {m}
zool. T
naut. pierLandebrücke {f}
naut. pier [breakwater]Hafenmole {f}
2 Words: Nouns
hydro. abutment pierWehrpfeiler {m}
naut. approach pierLeitwerk {n}
archi. constr. bridge pierBrückenpfeiler {m}
cluster pierSäulenbündel {n}
archi. clustered pierBündelsäule {f}
clustered pierSäulenbündel {n}
compound pierSäulenbündel {n}
constr. concrete pier [e.g. supporting a bridge]Betonpfeiler {m}
archi. crossing pierEckpfeiler {m}
archi. crossing pierVierungspfeiler {m}
fish fishing pierAngelpier {m}
fish fishing pierAngelsteg {m}
naut. landing pierAnleger {m} [Anlegestelle]
naut. lock pierSchleusenpier {f} {m}
archi. nave pierHauptschiffpfeiler {m}
archi. nave pierMittelschiffpfeiler {m}
archi. pier buttressStrebepfeiler {m}
constr. pier foundationPfeilergründung {f}
pier glassWandspiegel {m}
naut. pier headMolenkopf {m}
archi. polygonal pierPolygonalpfeiler {m}
naut. shipping pierSchiffsanlegestelle {f}
naut. stone pierSteinpier {m}
naut. wooden pierHolzpier {m}
3 Words: Nouns
archi. river bridge pierStrompfeiler {m}
5+ Words: Others
idiom Take a long walk off a short pier! [coll.]Geh auf der Autobahn spielen! [ugs.]
Take a long walk off a short pier! [coll.] [fig.]Hau ab! [ugs.]
5+ Words: Verbs
to take a long hike off a short pier [coll.]verschwinden
to take a long hike off a short pier [coll.] [idiom]abhauen [ugs.] [sich schnell davon machen]
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F The Road to Wigan Pier [George Orwell]Der Weg nach Wigan Pier
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A 2012-04-16: A pier is different from a jetty.
Q 2011-03-21: Chemiepatenttext, "pier-supported parallel rows of beams", "pier" = Stütze?
A 2010-10-25: How would you then say that you went on the pier?
A 2010-10-25: I think Safina means this kind of pier - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brig...
Q 2010-10-25: Wie sagt man "Pier" (Monument in the sea) auf Deutsch? Stützpfeiler?
A 2010-10-24: Stützpfeiler I mean Pier (Monument on the sea)
A 2010-03-10: It's about people jumping off a pier...
A 2009-05-31: What are you so determined about pier...Z..N...J (ah what a sophisticated ...
A 2007-01-30: at "Pier 4" in Boston Harbor,
A 2006-06-07: jetty > Bootssteg, pier > Pier
A 2006-03-29: pier

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