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English-German translation for: pinch
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Dictionary English German: pinch

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NOUN   a pinch | pinches
VERB  to pinch | pinched | pinched ... 
SYNO   to pinch | to vellicate | to top ... 
to pinch sb.
jdn. kneifen
to pinch sb.
jdn. zwicken
to pinch [esp. Br.] [coll.] [steal]
klauen [ugs.]
to pinch [shoes etc.]
drücken [Schuhe etc.]
to pinch
zwacken [ugs.] [kneifen, zwicken]
to pinch sth. [esp. Br.] [coll.] [steal]
etw. stehlen
to pinch sb./sth.
jdn./etw. petzen [regional] [kneifen, zwicken]
to pinch [esp. Br.] [coll.]
schnipfen [regional] [stehlen]
to pinch sb./sth.jdn./etw. pfetzen [regional] [kneifen, zwicken]
to pinch sth. [coll.] [steal]etw. mitgehen lassen [ugs.] [stehlen]
to pinch sth. [coll.] [take sth. without permission]sichDat. etw.Akk. unter den Nagel reißen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
gastr. pinch
Prise {f}
pinch [with fingers]
Kneifen {n}
Kniff {m}
gastr. pinch
Messerspitze {f} <Msp.>
pinch [with fingers]
Zwicken {n}
electr. pinch
Füßchen {n} [an Elektronenröhre]
2 Words: Verbs
to penny-pinchpfennigfuchsen [ugs.]
to pinch hardzukneifen
to pinch offabklemmen
to pinch offabkneifen [z. B. mit Kneifzange]
to pinch offabschnüren
to pinch offabzwicken
hort. to pinch off sth. [e.g. side shoots from tomato plants]etw.Akk. ausgeizen [Nebentriebe entfernen, z. B. von Tomatenpflanzen]
geol. to pinch outauskeilen
to pinch pennies [idiom]jeden Cent zweimal umdrehen [ugs.] [Redewendung]
to pinch sb.'s girlfriend [coll.]jdm. die Freundin ausspannen [ugs.]
to pinch sth. from sb. [esp. Br.] [coll.]etw. von jdm. stibitzen [ugs.]
2 Words: Nouns
econ. budget pinch {sg}Budgetbeschränkungen {pl}
anat. key pinchSchlüsselgriff {m}
anat. lateral pinchLateralgriff {m} [Schlüsselgriff]
anat. lateral pinchlateraler Griff {m} [Schlüsselgriff]
money pinchGeldknappheit {f}
tools pinch barBrechstange {f}
tools pinch barHebeeisen {n}
pinch cockQuetschhahn {m}
tools pinch cockSchraubklemme {f}
bike pinch flatQuetschriss {m} [bei einem Reifen]
pinch grasp [with thumb and forefinger]Pinzettengriff {m} [das Greifen mit Daumen und Zeigefinger]
med. pinch gripFeingriff {m} [im Gegensatz zum Grobgriff / Kraftgriff]
anat. pinch gripFingerspitzengriff {m}
anat. pinch gripPinzettengriff {m}
climbing tech. pinch gripZangengriff {m}
aviat. pinch hitterHilfspilot {m} [ugs.] [für Notfallsituationen, ohne formale Berechtigung]
aviat. pinch hitterFlugzeugführer {m} für Notfallsituation [ohne formale Berechtigung]
textil. pinch pleatKirsorfalte {f}
pinch pointNadelöhr {n} [Engpass]
pinch pointQuetschstelle {f}
tech. pinch pointPinch-Temperatur {f}
pinch potin Daumendrucktechnik hergestelltes Gefäß {n}
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Q 2021-05-07: pinch dogs
A 2020-10-02: PS: The +posh+ efforts are to be taken with a generous pinch of salt. +val...
A 2017-03-15: Goes to show that dictionaries must be taken with a pinch of salt or two
A 2017-01-09: Realistisches Müssen +sometimes I have to pinch myself to realize it isn't...
A 2016-07-08: Take what he says with a pinch of salt.
A 2016-03-02: It's an excerpt taken from MOCK THE WEEK, so everything must be taken with...
A 2015-10-18: Further suggestions (sometimes to be taken with a pinch / pound of salt)
A 2015-03-13: In spelling rules with a pinch of humour, it would have to be +trippple+
A 2015-03-11: To be taken with a pinch of salt.
A 2015-01-22: http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Hulk+Smash (to be taken wi...
A 2013-08-15: du kannst natürlich auch sagen: with a generous pinch of salt
A 2013-08-15: to put it mildly, with a pinch of salt
Q 2013-03-20: Pinch
A 2011-08-24: pinch one's own arm
Q 2011-07-18: to pinch-zoom
A 2011-07-01: In a pinch B can substitute for ß
A 2011-03-03: oder: they increasingly make us feel the pinch
A 2010-12-16: Pinch-zoom / Pinch-to-zoom / Zweifinger-Zoom. Oft auch mit .....Funktion.
Q 2010-12-16: I got pinch on my Touch Pad device
A 2010-03-25: To be taken with a pinch of salt

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