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English-German translation for: pirate
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Dictionary English German: pirate

Translation 1 - 58 of 58


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NOUN   a pirate | pirates
VERB  to pirate | pirated | pirated ... 
SYNO   literary pirate | pirate ... 
to pirate sth. [reproduce without authorization]
etw. raubkopieren
naut. to pirate [dated] [to commit piracy at sea]auf See überfallen
Pirat {m}
Seeräuber {m} [Pirat]
naut. pirate
Freibeuter {m}
hist. naut. pirateKaper {m} [veraltet] [Seeräuber]
pirate [female]Freibeuterin {f}
2 Words: Nouns
air pirateLuftpirat {m}
butt pirate [Am.] [pej.] [sl.]Schwuchtel {f} [ugs.] [pej.] [hier: Homosexueller allgemein]
ghost pirateGeisterpirat {m}
pirate attackPiratenüberfall {m}
cloth. pirate bandanaPiratenbandana {n}
cloth. pirate clothingPiratenkleidung {f}
pirate copyRaubkopie {f}
pirate copySchwarzkopie {f}
pirate copyingRaubkopieren {n}
hist. toys weapons pirate daggerPiratendolch {m}
pirate editionRaubdruck {m}
pirate editionRaubkopie {f}
pirate ghostPiratengeist {m}
cloth. pirate hatPiratenhut {m}
weapons pirate knifePiratenmesser {n}
film pirate moviePiratenfilm {m}
pol. Pirate PartyPiratenpartei {f}
pirate raidPiratenüberfall {m}
comm. hist. naut. pirate round [global route taken by pirates]Piratenrunde {f} [auch: Piraten-Runde]
toys pirate saber [Am.]Piratensäbel {m}
toys pirate sabre [Br.]Piratensäbel {m}
naut. pirate shipPiratenschiff {n}
pirate skullPiratentotenkopf {m}
pirate skullPiratentotenschädel {m}
pirate skullTotenkopf {m} [Piratentotenkopf]
RadioTV pirate stationPiratensender {m}
toys pirate swordPiratenschwert {n}
transp. pirate taxi [coll.]Schwarztaxi {n} [ugs.]
pirate treasurePiratenschatz {m}
cloth. pirate's tricornPiratendreispitz {m} [Piratenhut]
porch pirate [Am.] [coll.]Paketdieb {m} [von im Eingangsbereich abgelegten Warensendungen]
naut. river pirateFlusspirat {m}
comp. Internet software pirateRaubkopierer {m}
comp. software pirateSoftwarepirat {m}
3 Words: Nouns
MedTech. (pirate) hook hand [prothesis]Hakenprothese {f} [Piratenhand]
MedTech. pirate hook (hand) [prothesis]Piratenhaken {m} [Hakenprothese]
RadioTV pirate radio stationPiratensender {m}
RadioTV pirate radio stationSchwarzsender {m}
weapons small pirate knifekleines Piratenmesser {n}
Fiction (Literature and Film)
film F Blackbeard the Pirate [Raoul Walsh]Der Kampf um den Piratenschatz
RadioTV F Pirate IslandsDie Pirateninsel
lit. F Pirate Latitudes [Michael Crichton]Gold - Pirate Latitudes
film F The Crimson Pirate [Robert Siodmak]Der rote Korsar
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
entom. T
fish T
zool. T
zool. T
zool. T
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A 2017-05-16: It seems to mean that the captain and company may arbitrarily punish any c...
Q 2017-05-16: The Pirate Code of John Phillips
A 2016-09-24: Perhaps - on the pirate island of Krala...
A 2012-03-12: Lustigster Spruch der letzten Jahre: "To err is human. To harr is pirate!"
A 2010-12-10: pirate eyes
A 2008-09-07: übt da jemand für den Talk Like a Pirate Day? :D
A 2008-01-25: to harr he may be a pirate, to himm maybe not :-) (or to hymn)
A 2008-01-25: a propos human: To err is human. To harr is pirate!
A 2006-02-21: pirate's lair
A 2006-02-21: pirate's hideout
A 2006-02-21: pirate's nest
A 2004-01-27: in pirate land
A 2004-01-18: arrr that be a pirate's name me ladd

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