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English-German translation for: piston
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Dictionary English German: piston

Translation 1 - 50 of 141  >>


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NOUN   a piston | pistons
SYNO   Piston | Walter Piston | piston ... 
engin. tech. piston
Kolben {m}
2 Words: Others
tech. piston-free {adj}kolbenlos
2 Words: Nouns
engin. actuator pistonBetätigungskolben {m}
tech. additional pistonZusatzkolben {m}.
engin. tech. annular pistonRingkolben {m}
automot. tech. articulated pistonGelenkkolben {m}
tech. articulated pistonPendelschaftkolben {m}
tech. brake pistonBremskolben {m}
tech. casting pistonGießkolben {m}
tech. choke pistonkontaktloser Kolben {m}
tech. chuck piston [piston of a clamping device]Futterkolben {m} [Kolben eines Spannmittels]
tech. contact pistonKontaktkolben {m}
tech. control pistonVerstellkolben {m}
tech. cylinder pistonZylinderkolben {m}
automot. tech. damper pistonDämpferkolben {m}
automot. tech. deflector pistonNasenkolben {m}
automot. engin. deflector piston [two-stroke engine]Stufenkolben {m} [Zweitaktmotor]
disc pistonScheibenkolben {m}
fire pistonFeuerpumpe {f} [Kompressionsfeuerzeug]
fire pistonKompressionsfeuerzeug {n}
weapons gas pistonGaskolben {m}
tech. measuring pistonMesskolben {m}
automot. tech. metal pistonMetallkolben {m}
tech. oval pistonOvalkolben {m}
tech. piston accumulatorKolbenspeicher {m}
tech. piston areaKolbenfläche {f}
engin. piston boreKolbenbohrung {f}
piston bossKolbenbolzenauge {n}
zool. piston cartilagePistonknorpel {m}
tech. piston center [Am.]Kolbenmitte {f}
tech. piston centre [Br.]Kolbenmitte {f}
tech. piston chamberKolbenraum {m}
tech. piston clearanceKolbenspiel {n}
tech. piston compressorKolbenverdichter {m}
piston crownKolbenboden {m}
automot. engin. piston crownKolbenkrone {f}
automot. piston cylinderKolbenzylinder {m}
engin. piston diameterKolbendurchmesser {m}
piston displacementHubraum {m}
automot. tech. piston displacementHubvolumen {n}
engin. piston driveKolbenantrieb {m}
piston engineHubkolbenmotor {m}
piston engineKolbenmotor {m}
mus. piston fluteLotusflöte {f}
tech. piston forceKolbenkraft {f}
gastr. tools piston funnelFondanttrichter {m} [auch: Fondant-Trichter]
gastr. tools piston funnelLikörtrichter {m} [auch: Likör-Trichter]
automot. tech. piston gasketKolbendichtung {f}
piston headKolbenboden {m}
piston junkFeuersteg {m} [am Kolben eines Verbrennungsmotors]
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A 2011-06-15: piston stroke?
A 2011-06-15: Kolbenschlag is piston stroke,
A 2011-01-16: 1: The piston sucks air and petrol vapour +into+ the cylinder.
A 2008-11-04: piston footplate http://www.freepatentsonline.com/EP1633971.html
A 2008-02-05: Just a try : calibration piston
Q 2006-05-02: gallery cooled piston
Q 2006-03-12: desperately looking for "cancel piston"
A 2005-06-26: this would be blowing a rotary piston
A 2005-06-25: rotary piston blower; rotary blower
A 2004-10-20: impeller/piston shaft
A 2004-08-25: Lubricating (Lubrication of) piston rods in water pumps
A 2004-03-15: piston-driven coffee-maker
Q 2004-03-14: piston-driven coffee-maker by Bodum
A 2004-01-23: ram or thrust piston
A 2004-01-19: a straight flow annular piston pump
A 2003-12-19: oil injection hole (or nipple) on a piston

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