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English-German translation for: pitched
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Dictionary English German: pitched

Translation 1 - 30 of 30

English German
ADJ   pitched | more pitched | most pitched
VERB  to pitch | pitched | pitched ... 
pitched {adj} {past-p}
pitched {adj} {past-p} [tent, camp ec.]
aufgeschlagen [Zelt, Lager etc.]
sb. pitched
jd. warf
pitched {adj} {past-p} [by a horse]
abgeworfen [vom Pferd]
2 Words
audio high-pitched {adj}hellklingend
audio mus. high-pitched {adj}hoch [Ton]
mus. high-pitched {adj}hochgestimmt
med. high-pitched {adj}ohrnah [klingende / hochfrequente Rasselgeräusche der Lunge]
high-pitched {adj}schrill [Klang]
high-pitched {adj} [noise, sound]Hochfrequenz- [Lärm, Ton]
med. low-pitched {adj}ohrfern [nicht klingende Rasselgeräusche der Lunge]
audio mus. low-pitched {adj}tief [Ton]
archi. low-pitched {adj}mit geringer Neigung [nachgestellt] [Dach]
steeply pitched {adj}steil
hist. mil. pitched battleoffene Feldschlacht {f}
archi. pitched roofGiebeldach {n}
archi. pitched roofSatteldach {n}
archi. pitched roofSchrägdach {n}
archi. pitched roofSteildach {n}
archi. pitched roofgeneigtes Dach {n}
tech. pitched threadPechdraht {m}
3 Words
archi. double-pitched roofSatteldach {n}
audio high-pitched notehoher Ton {m}
4 Words
(high-pitched) buzzing soundFiepen {n}
audio (very) high-pitched sounds(sehr) hohe Töne {pl}
audio (very) low-pitched sounds(sehr) tiefe Töne {pl}
mus. single-pitched whistle fluteEintonflöte {f}
5+ Words
Everyone pitched in with the work. [coll.]Jeder packte mit an. [ugs.]
Our expectations were pitched too high.Unsere Erwartungen waren zu hoch gesteckt.
to be pitched over the horse's headkopfüber abgeworfen werden
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Q 2024-07-19: be pitched (US?)
A 2013-08-14: If the text is pitched to store owners, I would guess "sells well all year."
Q 2012-01-24: radio stations that I'd pitched
A 2011-09-24: If the advert is pitched to dentists, could be "...hervorragend zur Selbst...
Q 2010-10-18: (my screams become higher pitched)
A 2010-08-25: @Mandy: if it's the basis for a 'Werbebroschüre', wouldn't it be selling o...
A 2009-01-21: "pitched in" bedeutungslos
Q 2009-01-21: "pitched in"
A 2008-08-27: But Christa's text is pitched to business owners,
Q 2006-08-22: Pitched at the sheds
A 2005-10-18: Have we pitched 'customer expectations' too high?
A 2005-07-03: pitched roof...
A 2004-01-18: a pitched battle?

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