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English-German translation for: pituitary body
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Dictionary English German: pituitary body

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Partial Matches
med. pituitary {adj}hypophysär
med. pituitary {adj}pituitär
pituitary {adj}schleimabsondernd
anat. pituitaryHypophyse {f}
anat. pituitary (gland)Hirnanhangdrüse {f}
anat. pituitary glandHirnanhangsdrüse {f}
anat. pituitary glandHypophyse {f}
biochem. pituitary hormoneHypophysenhormon {n}
med. pituitary insufficiencyHypophyseninsuffizienz {f}
med. pituitary insufficiencyHypophysenunterfunktion {f}
med. pituitary lesionHypophysenläsion {f}
anat. posterior pituitaryNeurohypophyse {f}
biol. pituitary {adj}[die Hypophyse betreffend]
anat. med. pituitary stalk [Infundibulum]Hypophysenstiel {m}
med. pituitary abscessHypophysenabszess {m} [österr. auch {n}]
med. pituitary adenoma <PA>Hypophysenadenom {n} <HA>
anat. anterior pituitary (gland)vordere Hirnanhangdrüse {f}
med. pituitary abscessHypophysenabszeß {m} [österr. auch {n}] [alt]
biol. med. pituitary dwarfism [hypophysary dwarfism]hypophysärer Zwergwuchs {m}
med. pituitary tumor [Am.] <PT>Hypophysentumor {m} <HT>
med. pituitary tumour [Br.] <PT>Hypophysentumor {m} <HT>
med. calcified pituitary massverkalkte hypophysäre Raumforderung {f}
pharm. pituitary and hypothalamic hormonesHypophysen- und Hypothalamushormone {pl}
med. postpartum pituitary gland necrosis [Sheehan syndrome]Sheehan-Syndrom {n}
anat. anterior lobe of the pituitary glandHypophysenvorderlappen {m} <HVL>
anat. intermediate lobe of the pituitary glandHypophysenzwischenlappen {m} <HZL>
anat. posterior lobe of the pituitary glandHypophysenhinterlappen {m} <HHL>
cloth. body (suit)Body {m} [einteilige Gymnastik- und Tanzbekleidung]
film F John Carpenter presents Body Bags [John Carpenter, Tobe Hooper, Larry Sulkis]Body Bags
cloth. fishnet bodyNetz-Body {m}
cloth. lace bodySpitzen-Body {m}
film F Body Snatchers [Abel Ferrara, 1993]Body SnatchersAngriff der Körperfresser
biol. fluorescent body <F-body>F-Körper {m} [selten] [F-Body]
biol. fluorescent body <F-body>F-Body {m}
lit. F The Body Farm [Patricia Cornwell]Body Farm
cloth. body tightBody {m}
film F Body Parts [Eric Red]Body Parts
agr. VetMed. body condition score <BCS>Body-Condition-Score {m} <BCS> [Beurteilungssystem für die Körperkondition]
film F Body of Evidence [Uli Edel]Body of Evidence
psych. body integrity identity disorder <BIID>Body Integrity Identity Disorder {f} <BIID> [Körper-Integritäts-Identitäts-Störung]
body {adj}Körper-
bodyAbteilung {f}
bodyGebilde {n}
tech. bodyGehäuse {n}
automot. bodyGestell {n}
bodyHauptmasse {f}
bodyInhalt {m}
automot. bodyKarosserie {f}
bodyKomitee {n}
law bodyKörperschaft {f}
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