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English-German translation for: pity
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Dictionary English German: pity

Translation 1 - 59 of 59

English German
NOUN   a pity | -
VERB  to pity | pitied | pitied ... 
SYNO   compassion | pity | pity | shame ... 
to pity sb.
jdn. bemitleiden
to pityMitleid haben
to pity sb.Mitleid mit jdm. haben
Mitleid {n}
Erbarmen {n}
2 Words: Verbs
to arouse pityMitleid erregen
to arouse sb.'s pityjdn. barmen [regional, veraltet: erbarmen]
to arouse sb.'s pityjdn. erbarmen [österr., sonst selten] [jds. Mitleid erregen]
2 Words: Nouns
pity party [Am.] [coll.][Selbstmitleidsorgie]
pity ployMitleidsmasche {f}
self-pitySelbstmitleid {n}
3 Words: Others
a great pitysehr schade
a real pitysehr schade
For pity's sake! [coll.]Um Himmels willen!
I pity her.Ich bedauere sie.
I pity her.Sie dauert mich. [geh.]
I pity them.Ich bedauere sie. [sie: 3. Pers. Plural]
I pity them.Sie dauern mich. [geh.] [altmodisch]
I pity you.Du tust mir leid.
I pity you.Du tust mir Leid. [alt]
It's a pity.Es ist schade.
idiom More's the pity!Gott sei's geklagt! [veraltend] [ugs.]
out of pity {adv}aus Mitleid
What a pity!Nebbich! [jiddisch]
What a pity!Wie schade!
What a pity!So ein Pech!
3 Words: Verbs
to feel pity for sb.mit jdm. Mitleid haben
to move sb. to pityjdn. zum Mitleid bewegen
to take pity on sb.sich jds. erbarmen [geh.]
3 Words: Nouns
object of pityGegenstand {m} des Mitleids
pity and fear [Aristotelian]Furcht und Mitleid
pity and terror [Aristotelian]Furcht und Mitleid
sentiment of pityGefühl {n} des Mitleids
smile of pitymitleidsvolles Lächeln {n}
word of pityWort {n} des Mitleids
4 Words: Others
..., more's the pity. [Br.] [coll.]leider ...
A pity you leave us.Schade, dass Sie uns schon verlassen. [formelle Anrede]
It is a pity.Es ist schade.
It's a great pity.Es ist sehr schade.
It's a terrible pity. [coll.]Es ist jammerschade. [ugs.]
4 Words: Verbs
idiom to be a great pitysehr schade sein
to have / take pity on sb.mit jdm. Mitleid haben
to wallow in self-pitysich in Selbstmitleid suhlen
to wallow in self-pity [idiom]vor Selbstmitleid zerfließen [Redewendung]
to weep out of pityaus Mitleid weinen
4 Words: Nouns
attitude of self-pitySelbstbemitleidung {f}
art relig. Our Lady of PityPietà {f}
pity and anger blentMischung {f} von Mitleid und Zorn
5+ Words: Others
All the same, it's a pity.Trotzdem ist es schade.
And that would be a pity.Und das wäre ein Jammer. [ugs.]
No and more's the pity. [Br.] [coll.]Nein, leider nicht.
She had pity on him.Sie hatte Mitleid mit ihm.
There isn't the faintest trace of pity on his face.Auf seinem Gesicht ist nicht die geringste Spur von Mitleid.
quote To Jesus Christ I commend my soul. Lord Jesus receive my soul. Oh God, have pity on my soul. [Anne Boleyn]Jesus Christus empfehle ich meine Seele. Herr Jesus empfange meine Seele. Oh Gott, hab Erbarmen mit meiner Seele.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F 'Tis Pity She's a Whore [John Ford]Schade, dass sie eine Hure ist / war
film lit. F Beware of Pity [film: Maurice Elvey]Ungeduld des Herzens [Roman: Stefan Zweig]
lit. F Pity Him Afterwards [Donald E. Westlake]Ein Irrer macht Urlaub
film F Town Without Pity [Gottfried Reinhardt]Stadt ohne Mitleid
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A 2023-11-24: 1657– 1837– Highly relevant! Pity. As yet there is no cure for copy an...
A 2015-03-03: So it is: Main clause +it would be a pity+ - dependent clause (1) +if I go...
A 2014-07-05: Naturally, there is also +to be off ill+ ... No real consistency in usage....
A 2014-05-19: I pity your poor dog.
Q 2014-04-29: Furthermore it is very pity, that
A 2013-09-06: a pity
A 2013-05-09: Have some pity on this struggling writer and invent something better. :-)
A 2012-11-27: Pity
A 2012-06-01: I so pity you.
A 2012-03-18: "what a shame" - wird hier laufend gesagt = fast schon inflationary / "w...
A 2012-03-18: Unterschied: "what a shame" drückt ein stärkeres Bedauern aus. "what a pit...
A 2011-05-25: Pity.
A 2011-05-16: Much is the pity, Dragonflyknits
A 2011-03-24: hm... it would be a pity to lose the alliteration!
A 2010-10-28: :( It's a pity... Ah well! Thanks!
A 2010-10-27: Pity he didn't knock them dead literally. So the story may, I fear, go on ...
A 2010-10-23: Have pity
A 2010-08-27: some people you'd like to to their wedding, just for the fun. pity you can...
A 2010-04-13: That was a late night extra. Pity you didn't twig the drift of it. Or are ...
A 2010-03-12: well - a steak is chewy !! (edit - can be, it's a real pity!) and yes - ...

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