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English-German translation for: pizza
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Dictionary English German: pizza

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NOUN   a pizza | pizzas
SYNO   pizza | pizza pie
NOUN   die Pizza | die Pizzas/Pizzen
to puke [vulg.]eine Pizza legen [vulg.] [sich erbrechen]
gastr. pizza
Pizza {f}
gastr. za [coll.] [sl.]
Pizza {f}
gastr. pie [Am.] [pizza]Pizza {f}
gastr. hist. pizzaKrusta {f} [DDR-Ausdruck]
gastr. pizzaMafiatorte {f} [hum.]
2 Words: Verbs
to blow chunks [Am.] [sl.] [vomit]Pizza abwürfeln [hum.] [sich erbrechen]
2 Words: Nouns
gastr. favorite pizza [Am.]Lieblingspizza {f}
gastr. favourite pizza [Br.]Lieblingspizza {f}
FoodInd. gastr. frozen pizzaFertigpizza {f}
FoodInd. gastr. frozen pizzaTiefkühlpizza {f}
gastr. Hawaiian pizzaPizza {f} Hawaii
gastr. mini pizzaMini-Pizza {f} [auch: Minipizza]
gastr. onion pizzaZwiebelpizza {f}
pavement pizza [sl.][Erbrochenes auf dem Gehweg]
sports pizza (turn) [coll.] [snowplough in skiing]Pizza {f} [bes. Jugendsprache] [Schneepflug beim Skifahren]
gastr. jobs pizza bakerPizzabäcker {m}
gastr. jobs pizza baker [female]Pizzabäckerin {f}
gastr. pizza basePizzaboden {m}
gastr. pizza bone [Am.] [hum.]Pizzarand {m}
comm. gastr. pizza boxPizzakarton {m}
comm. gastr. pizza boxPizzaschachtel {f} [Pizzakarton]
gastr. pizza breadPizzabrot {n}
FoodInd. gastr. pizza cheesePizzakäse {m}
gastr. pizza crisperPizzablech {n}
gastr. pizza crustPizzaboden {m}
gastr. tools pizza cutterPizzaschneider {m}
pizza deliveryPizzalieferung {f}
pizza deliveryPizzaservice {m}
gastr. pizza doughPizzateig {m}
gastr. pizza joint [coll.]Pizzeria {f}
gastr. tools pizza knifePizzamesser {n}
gastr. pizza margheritaPizza Margherita {f}
pizza orderPizzabestellung {f}
gastr. pizza ovenPizzaofen {m}
gastr. pizza pan [Am.]Pizzablech {n}
gastr. pizza parlor [Am.]Pizzeria {f}
gastr. pizza parlour [Br.]Pizzeria {f}
gastr. pizza placePizzeria {f}
gastr. pizza platePizzablech {n}
pizza platePizzateller {m}
gastr. pizza rind [hum.] [edge of a pizza crust]Pizzarand {m}
gastr. pizza rollPizzabrötchen {n}
gastr. pizza shovelPizzaheber {m}
gastr. pizza shovelPizzaschaufel {f}
gastr. pizza slicePizzastück {n}
sports pizza slice [coll.] [snowplough in skiing]Pizzastück {n} [bes. Jugendsprache] [Schneepflug beim Skifahren]
sports pizza slice [sl.] [snowplough]Pizzaschnitte {f} [bes. Jugendsprache] [Schneepflug beim Skifahren]
gastr. pizza stonePizzastein {m}
math. pizza theoremPizza-Theorem {n}
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A 2017-10-10: Wortgebrauch: Pizza / Pommes \ Usage: pizza / French fries
A 2017-10-10: Pizza slice in action https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53S6E9tjg2w
A 2017-10-10: Popobremse > (also) bum brake / Pizzastück > pizza slice
A 2016-12-02: Context doesn't support pizza
A 2015-07-29: Das ist also wohl eine fiktive Marke: +By the way, there’s no such thing a...
A 2015-07-28: I would say it's supposed to be a particular frozen pizza make or range.
A 2015-07-28: Vielleicht ein Lokal +Pizza in the Wall+ analog zu +Hole in the Wall+
A 2015-01-29: Or even simpler - make sure the pizza arrives in good condition.
A 2014-11-05: Sie spendieren mir eine Pizza?
Q 2014-11-05: Sie spendieren mir eine Pizza
A 2014-07-24: If it's the pizza guy ...
A 2012-06-28: pizza
A 2011-11-22: Careful. Neither eating pizza nor veg are scientifically proven to be effe...
Q 2011-11-08: Playing (music) in beer-slurping pizza parlors,.....
A 2011-06-22: Oder "Little Neck" is a pizza chain...
A 2011-03-25: oops, missed the test. Anyway, I'd have said - let's get a take away pizza
A 2011-03-25: answer: Let's send out for a pizza.
Q 2011-03-24: Lass uns Pizza bestellen.
A 2011-01-18: Best Pizza I've Ever Had
A 2010-08-12: pizza or chicken salad sandwich and a beer

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