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Dictionary English German: places

Translation 1 - 50 of 120  >>

English German
NOUN   a place | places
VERB  to place | placed | placed
placing | places
sb. places
jd. platziert
sb. places [order]
jd. vergibt [Auftrag]
sb. placesjd. plaziert [alt]
Orte {pl}
Plätze {pl}
theatre places [call summoning performers]
Einruf {m}
2 Words: Others
in places {adv}stellenweise
in places {adv}streckenweise
theatre Places everyone.Alles auf Anfang.
2 Words: Verbs
to change placesden Ort tauschen
to change placesden Platz wechseln
to change placesdie Plätze tauschen
to change placesdie Plätze vertauschen
to change placesdie Sitze tauschen
idiom to go places [be successful](sehr) weit kommen [erfolgreich sein]
to go places [idiom] [be successful]es zu etwas bringen [Redewendung] [viel erreichen]
to go places [travel]herumreisen
to go places [travel]Ausflüge machen
to swap placesPlätze tauschen
to switch placesden Platz tauschen
to switch placesden Platz wechseln
to switch placesdie Plätze tauschen
to take sb. placesjdn. herumführen [jdm. Orte zeigen]
to take sb. placesjdn. an neue Orte führen [auch fig.]
idiom to take sb. places [advance sb.'s career] [A took B places.]mit jdm./etw. weit kommen [beruflich] [B ist mit A weit gekommen.]
2 Words: Nouns
jobs apprenticeship placesAusbildungsplätze {pl} [Lehrstellen]
biblical placesbiblische Orte {pl}
both placesbeide Orte {pl}
math. decimal placesDezimalstellen {pl}
math. decimal placesNachkommastellen {pl}
zool. hiding placesVersteckmöglichkeiten {pl}
hiding placesVersteckplätze {pl}
relig. holy placesHeiligtümer {pl} [heilige Stätten]
nearby placesnahegelegene Orte {pl}
nesting placesNistplätze {pl}
urban non-places [after Marc Augé - monofunctional spaces in urban & suburban areas, e.g., shopping malls]Nicht-Orte {pl} [nach Marc Augé - mono-funktional genutzte Flächen im urbanen und suburbanen Raum, z. B. Einkaufszentren]
picturesque placesmalerische Orte {pl}
sports promotion places {pl} [e.g. football / soccer]Aufstiegsbereich {m}
sports relegation places [football]Abstiegsränge {pl}
several placeseinige Orte {pl}
standing placesStehplätze {pl} [Theater, Stadion]
stopping placesHalteplätze {pl}
watering placesSchwemmen {pl}
3 Words: Others
in all places {adv}überall
in high places [fig.]höheren Orts [fig.]
pol. in high places {adv} [fig.]in den höheren Etagen [fig.]
in many places {adv}mancherorts [vielerorts]
in many places {adv}vielerorts
in many places {adv}an vielen Orten
in other places {adv}andernorts
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Q 2021-10-15: To what extent is LL used in the same places as LOL?
Q 2021-01-10: Snow fun in Madrid of all places?
Q 2019-02-07: Woodsy from Sheffield (of all places) outskiing them all?
A 2017-02-22: Rather than worrying about minor differences in spelling, why not limit us...
A 2015-10-05: Maybe an arch reference to +Trolley Bed Road Park, NY+ (of all places, a p...
A 2015-07-26: +Ratsplatz+ kann ein Platz vor dem Rathaus heißen; the AS held +folkmoots ...
A 2015-06-05: May not be readily understood as an exit exam in all places in the US.
Q 2015-01-18: to the demands running places on it
A 2014-11-06: There's a similar one in Hemel Hempstead (and a few other places), as well -
A 2014-05-31: You and me are going to go places.
A 2014-03-07: maybe: change places (informal, AE)
A 2014-03-06: There are certain times and places where asking someone's age or date of b...
A 2014-02-22: ... Pitztal of all places.
A 2014-01-25: @uffie: So steht es hier, falls es stimmt: places of residence sind ausgenommen.
A 2013-09-12: I doubt that adding a "request audio" function would shift the focus to pl...
Q 2013-06-15: places of last resort
A 2013-06-05: it shouldn't be necessary .... sometimes there are certain places/compani...
A 2013-06-05: At the link, a pharmaceutical company offering students places for their "...
A 2013-05-22: It's a cleaned up version of "raising hell" which you can find defined in ...
A 2013-04-08: Suburb in most other places in the world does mean Vorstadt,

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