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English-German translation for: plague
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Dictionary English German: plague

Translation 1 - 50 of 102  >>

English German
NOUN   a plague | plagues
VERB  to plague | plagued | plagued ... 
SYNO   to blight | to plague | infestation ... 
to plague sb.
jdn. plagen
to plague sb.
jdn. quälen
to plague sb./sth.
jdn./etw. heimsuchen
to plague sb.
jdn. ärgern
to plague
triezen [ugs.]
to plague sb.
jdn. drangsalieren
to plague sb. [fig.] [harass]
jdn. sekkieren [österr.] [sonst veraltet] [belästigen]
to plague sth.etw.Akk. belasten
Plage {f} [z. B. Insektenplage]
med. plague
Pest {f}
med. VetMed. plague
Seuche {f}
plague [fig.]
Landplage {f}
2 Words: Others
plague-ridden {adj}von der Pest heimgesucht
2 Words: Nouns
med. abortive plagueabortive Pest {f}
ecol. algae plagueAlgenpest {f}
animal plagueTierpest {f}
hist. Antonine PlagueAntoninische Pest {f}
med. asymptomatic plagueasymptomatische Pest {f}
bird plagueVogelplage {f}
VetMed. bird plagueVogelseuche {f}
med. black plaguePest {f}
med. bubonic plagueBeulenpest {f}
med. bubonic plagueBubonenpest {f}
VetMed. cat plague [feline panleukopenia]Katzenpest {f}
VetMed. cat plague [feline panleukopenia]Katzenseuche {f}
VetMed. cattle plagueRinderpest {f}
VetMed. cattle plagueViehseuche {f}
entom. cockchafer plagueMaikäferplage {f}
zool. crayfish plague [Aphanomyces astaci]Krebspest {f}
med. epidemic plagueSeuche {f}
fly plague [dated]Fliegenplage {f}
VetMed. fowl plagueGeflügelpest {f}
VetMed. fowl plague [avian influenza]Vogelpest {f} [Geflügelpest]
med. Justinian plague [also: Justinian Plague]Justinianische Pest {f}
agr. entom. locust plagueHeuschreckenplage {f}
med. meningeal plaguePestmeningitis {f}
murine plagueMäuseplage {f}
med. pharyngeal plaguepharyngeale Pest {f}
VetMed. pig plague [classical swine fever](klassische) Schweinepest {f}
pigeon plagueTaubenplage {f}
med. plague bacteriaPestbakterien {pl}
med. plague bacteriumPestbakterium {n}
art hist. relig. plague columnPestsäule {f}
art hist. relig. plague crossPestkreuz {n}
bibl. plague cycle [Exod 3-13]Plagenzyklus {m}
med. plague deathsPesttote {pl}
hist. med. plague doctorPestarzt {m}
hist. med. plague doctorPestdoktor {m}
hist. med. plague epidemicPestepidemie {f}
hist. med. plague outbreakPestausbruch {m}
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A 2015-04-26: True, cane toads are a plague!
A 2012-10-28: Avoid stress (like the plague) [very clicheed]
Q 2010-10-12: ~26 jargon words to avoid (like the plague)
A 2010-06-02: I don't know. Many years ago, an editor told me that "as to" is substandar...
A 2009-06-08: Oddly enough, Western Christianity took to spirits during the Plague of 1348
Q 2008-01-09: are less of a plague upon this sceptred isle than most immigrants
A 2006-08-24: silicone plague
A 2006-03-15: mosquito plague

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