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English-German translation for: planet
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Dictionary English German: planet

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NOUN   a planet | planets
SYNO   major planet | planet | planet ... 
NOUN   der Planet | die Planeten
SYNO   Planet | Wanderstern ... 
astron. automot. tech. planet {adj} [attr.] [e.g. formation, mass, system; gear]Planeten- [z. B. Entstehung, Masse, System; Rad]
astron. planet's {adj} [attr.] [e.g. atmosphere, mass]Planeten- [z. B. Atmosphäre, Masse]
astron. planet
Planet {m}
astron. planet
Wandelstern {m} [veraltet]
astron. phys. planet [wandering star]Irrstern {m}
2 Words: Others
planet-forming {adj}planetenbildend
planet-scale {adj}weltumfassend
2 Words: Nouns
(planet) cageSteg {m} [Planetengetriebe]
astron. dwarf planetZwergplanet {m}
astron. exceptional planetAusnahmeplanet {m}
astron. extrasolar planetExoplanet {m}
astron. extrasolar planetextrasolarer Planet {m}
astron. fellow planetNachbarplanet {m}
astron. gas planetGasplanet {m}
astron. giant planetRiesenplanet {m}
home planetHeimatplanet {m}
astron. hycean planethyzänischer Planet {m}
astron. ice planetEisplanet {m}
astron. inferior planetunterer Planet {m}
astron. inner planetinnerer Planet {m}
astron. minor planetKleinplanet {m}
astron. neighboring planet [Am.]Nachbarplanet {m}
astron. neighbouring planet [Br.]Nachbarplanet {m}
astron. ocean planetOzeanplanet {m}
astron. outer planetäußerer Planet {m}
astron. parent planetMutterplanet {m}
planet armSteg {m} [Planetengetriebe]
tech. planet carrierSteg {m} [Planetengetriebe]
astron. planet corePlanetenkern {m}
geogr. Planet DeepPlanettief {n}
astron. planet formationPlanetenbildung {f} [Planetenentstehung]
astron. planet formationPlanetenentstehung {f}
tech. planet gearPlanetenrad {n}
astron. planet massPlanetenmasse {f}
astron. Planet Nine [also: Planet 9]Planet {m} Neun [auch: Planet 9]
automot. planet spiderSteg {m} [Automatikgetriebe]
astron. planet systemPlanetensystem {n}
astron. planet's atmospherePlanetenatmosphäre {f}
astron. planet's corePlanetenkern {m}
astron. planet's massPlanetenmasse {f}
astron. planet's orbitPlanetenumlauf {m}
astron. pulsar planetPulsar-Planet {m}
astron. Red Planet [coll.] [Mars]Roter Planet {m} [ugs.] [Mars]
astron. Red Planet [coll.] [Mars]roter Planet {m} [ugs.] [Mars] [alt]
astron. ringed planetRingplanet {m}
astron. rocky planetFelsplanet {m}
astron. rocky planetGesteinsplanet {m}
astron. rogue planetEinzelgängerplanet {m}
astron. rogue planetvagabundierender Planet {m}
astron. superhabitable planetsuperhabitabler Planet {m}
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A 2020-11-22: Gestirn: Planet or Star?
Q 2019-04-26: https://daily.jstor.org/whats-wrong-with-planet-earth/?utm_term=Planet%20E...
Q 2017-09-11: Blue PLanet
A 2017-06-20: Explanations to "Make[s] our planet great again!"
A 2017-06-19: Makes our planet great again!
A 2017-06-19: Make our planet great again.
Q 2017-06-19: Make[s] our planet great again!
A 2016-07-15: aufsteigende/r Planet
A 2016-07-15: Nur einen Treffer für +aufsteigender Planet+ gefunden.
Q 2016-07-15: rising planet
Q 2014-11-13: Spacecraft landing on planet - entry required
Q 2012-07-09: to right oneself - Can our planet right itself?
A 2011-12-31: @ MichaelK: Planet Pandora from the movie Avatar (Avatar – Aufbruch nach ...
A 2011-12-31: Planet Pandora? You've lost me there...:-)
A 2011-04-20: In other words, once the planet has started screaming it will not stop unt...
A 2011-04-19: Our planet IS screaming, crying, wailing, you pick the last word.
A 2011-04-19: Our Planet yells!
A 2011-04-19: Our planet screams
Q 2011-04-19: “Unser Planet schreit!”
A 2011-03-29: Actually, I sooner pay more for energy than let the planet suffer from my greed.

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