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English-German translation for: planned
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Dictionary English German: planned

Translation 1 - 62 of 62

English German
ADJ   planned | more planned | most planned
VERB  to plan | planned | planned ... 
SYNO   aforethought | planned | plotted
planned {adj} {past-p}
planned {adj} {past-p}
planned {adj} {past-p}
planned {past-p}
planned {adj} {past-p}
sb. planned
jd. plante
sb. plannedjd. disponierte
2 Words: Others
as planned {adj} {adv}planmäßig
as planned {adv}programmgemäß [wie geplant]
as planned {adv}nach Wunsch
as planned {adv}wie geplant
badly planned {adj} {past-p}schlecht geplant
being planned {adj} [postpos.]in Planung [nachgestellt]
being planned {adj} [postpos.]in Planung befindlich
newly planned {adj} {past-p}neu geplant
econ. planned economy {adj}planwirtschaftlich
well planned {adj} {past-p}durchgeplant
well-planned {adj}planmäßig
well-planned {adj}planvoll
2 Words: Nouns
econ. market. (planned) obsolescence(gewollte) Produktalterung {f} [Obsoleszenz]
hist. (planned) settlement [i.e. of new settlers in sparsely populated areas]Peuplierung {f} [veraltet] [Besiedlung]
planned babyWunschbaby {n}
planned capitalPlanhauptstadt {f}
planned childWunschkind {n}
planned cityPlanstadt {f}
planned cutsSparvorhaben {pl}
econ. planned economyPlanwirtschaft {f}
planned investmentgeplante Kapitalanlage {f}
ling. planned languagePlansprache {f}
tech. planned maintenance <PM>geplante Wartung {f}
tech. planned maintenance <PM>planmäßige Wartung {f}
planned obsolescenceeingeplante Obsoleszenz {f}
planned obsolescencegeplante Obsoleszenz {f}
planned obsolescenceeingeplante Veralterung {f} eines Gebrauchsguts
planned performanceLeistungsvorgabe {f}
planned performancegeplante Leistung {f}
planned quantityPlanmenge {f}
comm. planned targetPlansoll {n}
urban planned townGründungsstadt {f} [entworfene Stadt]
planned venturegeplantes Unternehmen {n}
savings plannedSparvorhaben {pl}
3 Words: Others
without being planned {adv}ungeplant
3 Words: Nouns
econ. centrally planned economyZentralverwaltungswirtschaft {f}
econ. centrally planned economyzentrale Planwirtschaft {f}
archi. centrally-planned buildingZentralbau {m}
acc. planned balance sheetPlanbilanz {f}
planned cost calculationPlankostenrechnung {f}
planned financing program [Am.]geplantes Finanzierungsprogramm {n}
tech. planned preventive maintenance <PPM>geplante vorbeugende Wartung {f}
urban planned urban developmentgeordnete städtebauliche Entwicklung {f}
comm. planned working timeSollarbeitszeit {f}
well-planned parkgut geplanter Park {m}
4 Words: Others
different than originally planned {adv}anders als ursprünglich geplant
4 Words: Nouns
archi. a well-planned apartmenteine Wohnung {f} mit gutem Schnitt [fig.]
archi. a well-planned flat [Br.]eine Wohnung {f} mit gutem Schnitt [fig.]
econ. fin. marginal planned cost accounting [a German costing methodology]Grenzplankostenrechnung {f} <GPK>
5+ Words: Others
He has something planned for me.Er hat etwas mit mir vor.
If you fail to plan, then you have planned to fail. [Am.] [idiom]Wenn du versäumst zu planen, dann planst du zu scheitern. [Redewendung]
Our little daughter was planned.Unser Töchterchen war ein Wunschkind.
sth. is planned / scheduled for next weeketw. ist für nächste Woche vorgesehen
We hadn't planned on that.Damit haben wir nicht gerechnet.
5+ Words: Nouns
work planned on generous linesgroßzügig geplante Arbeit {f}
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Q 2024-05-13: planned city Greater Noida
Q 2020-10-26: Planned Parenthood
A 2019-04-18: planned obsolescence / geplante Obsoleszenz
A 2018-11-16: Meinst du z.B. SAP (Technischer Name: 0QT_ACTPL) actual/planned ...
Q 2015-10-28: A second meeting is planned on the 31 July - 2 August.
Q 2015-08-21: “The evil you planned to do to me has by God's design been turned to good ...
A 2015-06-12: not yet planned .... ??
A 2015-02-10: google: "targets are met as planned"
A 2014-06-04: planned subsidiary or corporation?
A 2014-01-14: Less income from taxes but expenditure is already fixed/planned.
Q 2013-12-20: both programmed and planned
Q 2013-12-20: both programmed and planned
A 2013-01-21: More commonly: I won't tell Andrew +so as not to+ spoil the evening he has...
A 2012-09-27: planned departure
A 2012-08-16: Could it be something like "planned" or "calculating"?
Q 2012-07-18: For today I planned a trip into (???) the Highlands
A 2011-08-14: Rolling blackouts are deliberate and planned
A 2011-02-14: Literally: "They could hardly be witheld in their euphoria, as Mike had pl...
Q 2010-11-22: planned introductions
A 2010-11-05: planned economy

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