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English-German translation for: planning
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Dictionary English German: planning

Translation 1 - 50 of 479  >>


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NOUN1   a planning | plannings
NOUN2   planning | -
VERB  to plan | planned | planned
planning | plans
SYNO   planning | preparation | provision
planning {adj} {pres-p}
planning {adj} [planning-related]
Planung {f}
Planen {n}
Planungsvorbereitung {f}
2 Words: Others
when planning {adv}bei der Planung
2 Words: Nouns
account planningMedienplanung {f}
account planningWerbeplanung {f}
action planningEinsatzplanung {f}
action planningMaßnahmeplanung {f}
market. urban adaptive planningAnpassungsplanung {f}
advance planningVorausplanung {f}
advertising planningWerbeplanung {f}
agr. agricultural planningAgrarplanung {f}
alternative planningAlternativplanung {f}
applications planningEinsatzplanung {f}
asset planningVermögensplanung {f}
econ. QM audit planning <AP>Auditplanung {f}
econ. QM audit planning <AP>Prüfungsplanung {f}
bad planningFehlplanung {f}
archi. bathroom planningBadezimmerplanung {f}
archi. bathroom planningBadplanung {f} [Badezimmerplanung]
med. birth planningGeburtenplanung {f}
budget planningBudgetplanung {f}
budget planningHaushaltsplanung {f}
budgetary planningFinanzhaushalt {m}
archi. constr. building planning [also: planning of a / the building]Gebäudeplanung {f} [Objektplanung]
econ. business planningUnternehmensplanung {f}
capacity planningKapazitätsplanung {f}
central planningzentrale Planung {f}
urban city planningStädtebau {m}
urban city planningStädteplanung {f}
urban city planningStadtplanung {f}
community planningGemeindeplanung {f}
company planningUnternehmensplanung {f}
concerted planninggemeinsames Planen {n}
contingency planningEventualfallplanung {f}
contingency planningPlanung {f} für Eventualfälle
corporate planningUnternehmensplanung {f}
corporate planningbetriebliche Planung {f}
cost planningKostenplanung {f}
comp. QM cutover planningCutover-Planung {f} [auch: Cutoverplanung, Cut-Over-Planung]
comp. QM cutover planning [system change]Cut-over-Planung {f} [Systemwechsel]
econ. demand planning <DP>Absatzplanung {f}
demand planning <DP>Bedarfsplanung {f}
departmental planningFachplanung {f}
comp. econ. deployment planningDeploymentplanung {f}
QM tech. design planningDesignplanung {f}
archi. engin. design planningEntwurfsplanung {f}
detailed planningDetailplanung {f}
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A 2022-01-14: Quote https://www.gov.uk/planning-permission-england-wales
A 2022-01-14: Bei Bauvorhaben ist +planning permission+ der britische Zentralbegrif
A 2022-01-14: +l. b. c.+ bedeutet im britischen Planungsrecht einzig das gestern aus dem...
A 2021-06-04: Financial planning
A 2018-11-02: construction and assembly planning (the concept seems to prevail in German...
Q 2016-01-15: Apply SMART goals and planning...
A 2014-10-15: ... limited financial resources we must get to grips with austerity planni...
Q 2013-08-22: preliminary planning
A 2013-07-10: rolling program -> capacity planning on resources
Q 2013-07-07: Unterschied zwischen I was planning and i wanted
A 2013-03-11: Is this a legal/planning context?
A 2013-02-04: leeway = fine .... how about planning / organize .... ??
Q 2012-11-06: Office Migration Planning Manager (OMPM)
A 2012-08-07: It sounds like the quote from Mr Benjamin Franklin "By failing to plan you...
A 2012-06-11: Vorsorge (for old age) = retirement planning [AE]
A 2012-03-09: aus Regierungsmund: life-cycle planning
A 2012-02-08: end to start planning
A 2012-02-08: end to start planning vs. end to start planning
A 2011-12-20: If you're planning on using the lyrics,
A 2011-09-25: they make / provide / give (a) reliable / dependable planning (framework)

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