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English-German translation for: plastered
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Dictionary English German: plastered

Translation 1 - 24 of 24

English German
ADJ   plastered | more plastered | most plastered
VERB  to plaster | plastered | plastered ... 
SYNO   plastered | sealed | slicked ... 
plastered {adj} [coll.]
besoffen [ugs.]
constr. plastered {adj} {past-p}
constr. plastered {adj} {past-p}
plastered {adj} {past-p} [stuck all over]
plastered {adj} [coll.] [very drunk]
hackezu [ugs.] [betrunken]
plastered {adj} {past-p} [with posters etc.]
zugepflastert [mit Plakaten etc.]
2 Words
absolutely plastered {adj} [sl.]granatenvoll [ugs.]
constr. hand-plastered {adj}handverputzt
while plastered {adv} [coll.]im Suff [ugs.]
to be plasteredsturzbesoffen sein [ugs.]
to be plastered [coll.] [be very drunk]einen Affen (sitzen) haben [ugs.] [Redewendung] [betrunken sein]
to get plastered [coll.]sich besaufen [ugs.]
to get plastered [coll.]sich vollaufen lassen [ugs.] [alt]
to get plastered [coll.]sichDat. einen (Rausch) ansaufen [ugs.] [salopp]
to get plastered [sl.]sich volllaufen lassen [ugs.]
med. plastered armGipsarm {m}
archi. hist. plastered buildingPutzhaus {n}
constr. plastered facadePutzfassade {f}
3 Words
... I get plastered. [coll.]... saufe ich mir einen an. [derb] [... betrinke ich mich.]
I'm getting plastered. [coll.]Ich saufe mir (gerade) einen an. [derb] [Ich betrinke mich.]
plastered with mud {past-p}eingeschlammt
to be somewhat plastered [coll.] [idiom] [drunk]einen Stich haben [regional] [Redewendung] [einigermaßen betrunken sein]
5+ Words
I can only have said that when I was plastered. [coll.]Das kann ich nur im Suff gesagt haben. [ugs.]
journ. to be plastered all over the front pages of the tabloidsauf allen Titelseiten der Boulevardpresse prangen
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A 2023-04-20: etwa: with all the hallmarks of vulgarity (plastered over it)
A 2013-11-04: Vielleicht sind Heftpflaster gemeint - a path +plastered+ with roses, as i...
Q 2005-02-21: plastered-down hair => was ist das?

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