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English-German translation for: plastics
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Dictionary English German: plastics

Translation 1 - 30 of 30

English German
plastics {pl} [treated as sg.]
Kunststoff {m}
hort. plastics
Folie {f}
Kunststoffe {pl}
2 Words
material ablative plastics {pl} [treated as sg.]ablativer Kunststoff {m} [leitfähig]
ecol. biodegradable plasticsbiologisch abbaubare Kunststoffe {pl} <BAK>
dent. denture plasticsProthesenkunststoff {m}
chem. tech. plastics applicationsKunststoffanwendungen {pl}
econ. ind. material plastics businessKunststoffsparte {f}
acad. engin. plastics engineering <PE>Kunststofftechnik {f} <KT>
ind. material plastics industryKunststoffbranche {f}
ind. material plastics industryKunststoffindustrie {f}
plastics manufacturingKunststoffherstellung {f}
chem. material plastics processingKunststoffverarbeitung {f}
ecol. material plastics recyclingKunststoffverwertung {f}
plastics technologyKunststofftechnik {f}
plastics testingKunststoffprüfung {f}
ecol. plastics waste {sg}Kunststoffabfälle {pl}
chem. tech. sintered plasticsSinterkunststoffe {pl}
chem. styrene plasticsStyrolkunststoffe {pl}
chem. tech. used plasticsAltkunststoffe {pl}
3 Words
file for plasticsBakelitfeile {f}
tools file for plasticsKunststofffeile {f} [Feile für Kunsstoffe]
tech. plastics injection molding [Am.]Kunststoffspritzguss {m}
tech. plastics injection moulding [Br.]Kunststoffspritzguss {m}
post-consumer plastics {pl}Altkunststoff {m}
material single-use plastics {pl} [treated as sg.]Einwegplastik {n}
tech. welding of plasticsKunststoffschweißen {n}
4 Words
comm. EU plastics and articles thereofKunststoffe {pl} und Waren daraus
dent. tech. shanks made of plasticsSchäfte {pl} aus Kunststoff
5+ Words
ind. material to be used in making plasticsin der Kunststoffherstellung Verwendung finden
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A 2018-12-14: Some plastics attract dirt...
A 2015-01-13: If indeed carbon, in AE, often "carbon-fiber reinforced plastics / polymer...
A 2014-10-20: Plastics are polymers, but that doesn't tend to be used as a synonym,
Q 2014-10-20: synonym for "plastics"
A 2014-05-03: +plastics+ is the plural of +plastic+ - in German it's +(das) Plastik+ eit...
A 2014-05-02: plastics [treated as sg. or pl.]
A 2014-05-02: plastics are plural, but does not mean "Plastik"
Q 2014-05-02: plastics
A 2013-12-20: Dictionary of Plastics and Rubber Technology
A 2013-12-20: M.S. Welling, Dictionary of Plastics Technology, Pentech Press, London, IS...
A 2013-12-20: @Uffie - Dictionary of Plastics Technology
A 2013-10-30: In plastics molding, "flash" is called Grat. Does that help?
A 2011-02-14: -applications? e.g. plastics applications, household applications, furnitu...
A 2010-01-21: +plastics+ ist halt eine falsche Übersetzung von +Plastiken+ bzw. tschechi...
Q 2010-01-21: plastics
A 2009-03-19: not only with plastics
A 2009-01-12: Seems to be the remainder in a plastics die casting, forming a plug when s...
A 2008-11-10: possibly +made from+ renewable biomass sources: bioplastics / organic plastics
A 2008-07-22: found eventually migration analysis of plastics into food..
A 2008-06-06: glas fibre reinforced plastics (GFRP)

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