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English-German translation for: play
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Dictionary English German: play

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NOUN1   a play | plays
NOUN2   play | -
VERB  to play | played | played ... 
to play
mus. to play
aufspielen [im Standarddeutsch veraltend]
mus. to play [wind instrument]
RadioTV to play [e.g. radio, TV is playing]
laufen [z. B. Radio, Fernseher läuft]
mus. to play sth. [e.g. the drum]
etw.Akk. schlagen [ein Schlaginstrument, z. B. die Trommel]
games sports to play sb.gegen jdn. spielen
mus. to play sth. [e.g. the lute, the harp]etw.Akk. schlagen [veraltend] [ein Zupfinstrument spielen, z. B. die Laute, die Harfe]
to play sth. [pretend]sich als etw. geben
theatre play
Theaterstück {n}
theatre play
Schauspiel {n}
lit. theatre play
Stück {n}
Spiel {n} [Stück, Bewegung, Zusammenspiel]
mus. theatre play
Aufführung {f}
sports play [American football]
Spielzug {m}
comp. RadioTV play [icon, button]
Wiedergabe [ohne Artikel] [Icon, Taste]
tech. play
Spiel {n} [Maßtoleranz]
Luft {f} [Abstand, Spalt, Spielraum]
lit. theatre play [drama]
Drama {n}
theatre play
Theaterspiel {n}
lit. theatre play
Bühnenstück {n}
games play
Partie {f}
mus. theatre [literally a 'stage-consecrating festival play'; Wagner's description of his last dramatic work "Parsifal"]Bühnenweihfestspiel {n}
lit. theatre playBühnenwerk {n} [Schauspiel]
oenol. playSpiel {n} [„Der Wein hat Spiel“]
sports playoffPlay-off {n} [auch: Playoff]
2 Words: Others
at play {adv}beim Spielen
at play {adv} [fig.] [involved](mit) im Spiel [fig.]
at play {adj} [postpos.]spielend
child's play {adj} [very easy]kinderleicht
Fair play! [esp. Irish]Alle Achtung!
in playim Spiel
Play nice. [Am.] [Don't fight.]Vertragt euch!
Play nicely. [Br.] [Don't quarrel.]Vertragt euch!
idiom Play up! [Br.] [dated]Streng dich an!
tech. without play {adj}spielfrei
2 Words: Verbs
to play aboutherumspielen
to play against sb.gegen jdn. spielen
to play alongmitmachen
to play alongmitspielen
mus. to play aloudvorspielen
to play antics [archaic]alfanzen [veraltet] [Possen reißen]
to play around [coll.] [to be unfaithful]fremdgehen [ugs.]
to play around sth. [smile plays around the corners of your mouth]etw. umspielen [Lächeln]
art mus. theatre to play at sth. [location]etw. bespielen [Spielort, Gebäude]
to play at sth. [pretend]etw. spielen [vorgeben]
sports to play awayauswärts spielen
sports to play awayein Auswärtsspiel haben
audio to play backwiedergeben
idiom to play ballzusammenarbeiten
to play ballzusammenspielen
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Q 2024-08-11: Benötigt die Android App "dict.cc +" Google Play Service?
A 2024-05-18: (a play, film, book, speech) lacking substance / significance / (evtl.) depth
A 2023-10-18: If these are lines in the play, IMO, technical accuracy and cosistency are...
A 2023-06-06: Register! Truancy <> Schulschwänzen, to play truant <> die Schule schwänzen
Q 2022-08-18: Play with white/black handicap (chess)
A 2022-06-20: First, I don't play golf or know much about golf terminology ;-)
A 2022-03-04: ... they play / sing perfectly on cue ...
Q 2022-01-03: Audio recording an play back issues in browsers
Q 2021-06-10: phrase from a theatre play
Q 2021-01-20: the deal is always in play
Q 2020-10-20: to do or to make a play
A 2020-10-02: +play of waters+ is much too unspecific
A 2020-09-10: Enjoy the music and play it safe!
A 2020-04-17: It would be wrong to use play like that.
Q 2020-04-17: "spielen in" (Story etc.) --> "play in"?
A 2019-10-01: it means: to play the European / diplomacy card
Q 2019-02-13: https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/fair+play+(to+you) See: #904515
A 2019-02-13: https://idioms.thefreedictionary.com/fair+play+(to+you)
Q 2019-02-13: fair play to you!
Q 2018-12-19: play chicken on the covered bridgefo_title=play chicken on the covered bridge

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