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English-German translation for: play multiple
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Dictionary English German: play multiple

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med. hereditary multiple exostoses <HMEs>hereditäre multiple Exostosen {pl} <HME>
med. VetMed. multiple cartilaginous exostoses <MCE>multiple kartilaginäre Exostosen {pl} <MKE>
med. multiple hereditary exostoses <MHE>multiple kartilaginäre Exostosen {pl} <MKE>
med. multiple hereditary exostoses <MHE>angeborene multiple Exostosen {pl}
med. multiple osteochondromas <MOs>multiple Osteochondrome {pl} <MO>
med. multiple chemical sensitivity <MCS>multiple Chemikalienunverträglichkeit {f}
educ. multiple choice testMultiple-Select-Klausur {f}
art multipleMultiple {n} [Exemplar einer Serie]
med. multiple osteochondromatosis <MO>multiple Osteochondromatose {f}
med. multiple osteomatosesmultiple Osteomatosen {pl} [Exostosenkrankheit]
comp. pharm. QM multiple specification <MS>multiple Spezifikation {f}
psych. multiple personality disordermultiple Persönlichkeitsstörung {f}
telecom. quadruple play providerQuadruple-Play- / Quad-Play-Anbieter {m} [Vierfach-Play]
med. multiple infectionmultiple Infektion {f}
multiple orgasmsmultiple Orgasmen {pl}
psych. multiple personalitymultiple Persönlichkeit {f}
med. multiple pustulesmultiple Pusteln {pl}
med. multiple endocrine neoplasia <MEN>multiple endokrine Neoplasie {f} <MEN>
med. multiple epiphyseal dysplasia <MED>multiple epiphysäre Dysplasie {f} <MED>
med. multiple hereditary exostoses <MHE>multiple hereditäre Exostosen {pl} <MHE>
med. multiple system atrophy <MSA>multiple Systematrophie {f} <MSA>
med. multiple occlusion technique <MOT, MO technique>multiple Okklusionstechnik {f} <MOT> [selten: multiple Okklusionentechnik]
med. relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis <RR-MS>schubförmig remittierende Multiple Sklerose {f} <RR-MS>
journ. play-by-play [Am.]detaillierter Spielkommentar {m}
sports play-by-play [Am.]Spielbericht {m}
med. multiple osteochondroma <MO>multiple Osteochondrome {pl} <MO>
med. multiple sclerosis <MS>Multiple Sklerose {f} <MS>
med. multiple sclerosis <MS>multiple Sklerose {f} <MS>
educ. multiple select testMultiple-Select-Klausur {f}
multiple-choice procedureMultiple-Choice-Verfahren {n}
multiple-choice questionMultiple-Choice-Frage {f}
idiom I don't need the play-by-play. [Am.] [coll.]So genau will ich es nicht wissen.
med. multiple sclerosis patient <MS patient> [female]Multiple-Sklerose-Patientin {f} <MS-Patientin>
med. multiple sclerosis patients <MS patients>Multiple-Sklerose-Erkrankte {pl} <MS-Erkrankte>
med. multiple sleep latency test <MSLT, MSL test>multiple Schlaflatenztestung {f} <MSLT, MSL-Test>
FireResc stay and playStay and Play {n} [entspricht dem Stay and Treat]
med. multiple sclerosis patient <MS patient>Multiple-Sklerose-Patient {m} <MS-Patient>
games Let's Play <LP> [playthrough of a computer or video game with commentary]Let's Play {n} <LP> [Vorführen und begleitendes Kommentieren eines Computer- oder Videospiels]
comp. tech. plug-and-play supportPlug-and-Play-Unterstützung {f}
multiple {adj}mehrere
multiple {adj}mehrfach
multiple {adj}Mehrfach-
multiple {adj}mehrteilig
multiple {adj}vielfach
multipleMehrfaches {n}
fin. multipleMultiplikator {m}
math. multipleVielfaches {n}
stat. multiple regressionmultiple Regression {f}
biol. multiple substitutionmultiple Substitution {f}
multiple {adj}mannigfach [geh.]
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