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English-German translation for: player
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Dictionary English German: player

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NOUN   a player | players
SYNO   actor | histrion | player ... 
NOUN   der Player | die Player
Spieler {m}
player [e.g. key player]
Akteur {m} [z. B. Schlüsselakteur]
player [female]
Spielerin {f}
comp. player
Wiedergabeprogramm {n} [von Audio-/ Videodaten]
econ. player [Am.]
Unternehmer {m}
player [Am.] [coll.]
Frauenheld {m} [ugs.]
player [coll.] [Am.]
Aufreißer {m} [ugs.]
audio comp. player
Player {m}
film theatre player
Darsteller {m}
film theatre player [actor]Schauspieler {m}
player [Am.] [coll.]Casanova {m} [Frauenheld]
player [Am.] [coll.]Ladykiller {m} [ugs.]
player [female] [participant in a game]Mitspielende {f}
games player [participant in a game]Mitspielender {m}
2 Words: Others
player-controlled {adj}spielergesteuert
comp. games single-player {adj} [also: singleplayer]Einzelspieler-
2 Words: Nouns
mus. accordion playerAkkordeonspieler {m}
zool. accordion player [female]Akkordeonspielerin {f}
sports amateur playerAmateurspieler {m}
sports attacking playerAngreifer {m}
sports attacking playerAngriffsspieler {m}
sports attacking player [female]Angreiferin {f}
sports attacking player [female]Angriffsspielerin {f}
audio comp. audio playerAudio-Player {m} [Abspielgerät, -software]
audio comp. audio playerAudio-Spieler {m} [Abspielgerät, -software]
sports badminton playerBadmintonspieler {m}
sports badminton player [female]Badmintonspielerin {f}
mus. bagpipe playerDudelsackspieler {m}
sports ball playerBallspieler {m}
mus. banjo playerBanjospieler {m}
sports baseball playerBaseballer {m}
sports baseball playerBaseballspieler {m}
sports baseball player [female]Baseballerin {f}
sports baseball player [female]Baseballspielerin {f}
sports baseline playerGrundlinienspieler {m}
sports basketball playerBasketballspieler {m}
sports basketball player [female]Basketballspielerin {f}
mus. bass playerBassist {m}
games sports billiards playerBillardspieler {m}
film theatre bit playerKleindarsteller {m}
film theatre bit player [female]Kleindarstellerin {f}
mus. blues playerBlues-Musiker {m}
sports Bosman playerBosman-Spieler {m} [ohne Ablöse]
sports bowls playerBowlsspieler {m}
mus. brass playerBlasmusiker {m}
mus. brass playerBlechbläser {m}
games bridge playerBridgespieler {m}
games bridge player [female]Bridgespielerin {f}
games card playerKartenspieler {m}
games card player [female]Kartenspielerin {f}
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A 2021-10-25: On Strategy: 4. An ideal position is when a player can shuttle a single pi...
A 2021-08-23: to become a football / etc. player
Q 2018-08-30: piano player can't hang with the gig
A 2018-07-15: to be a dirty player
A 2018-07-15: http://www.dict.cc/?s=reingr%C3%A4tschen , a brute player
A 2016-11-23: Much to the chagrin of my father, an avid and good bridge player, I have n...
A 2016-11-14: actor / player part ???
A 2016-10-23: our present bass player ( = der zur Zeit bei uns spielt)
A 2015-05-04: Don't shoot me … I'm only the piano player ?? - Schießen Sie auf den Pia...
A 2014-07-14: Or as Yogi Berra (U.S. baseball player) put it: It's tough to make predict...
A 2014-01-11: Some variants have a rule preventing a player from tagging the person who ...
A 2012-08-10: Team player is OK.
A 2012-08-09: I woulnd't use "team player."
A 2012-08-09: team player
A 2012-02-23: But doesn't "Erkennungsmelodie" refer to the player or singer of that melody?
A 2012-01-20: That totally depends on the action of the game. What is player A trying t...
A 2011-11-11: @alex: Nope, it's Gary Player
A 2011-09-19: +Handy+ ist in meinen Augen ein ebenso verblödeter deutscher Pseudoanglizi...
A 2011-03-03: It's the team, not a single player.
A 2011-01-25: In some card games, a player has to draw a card in the beginning of the fi...

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