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| time control [e.g. when playing chess] | Zeitkontrolle {f} [z. B. beim Schach] | |
Partial Matches |
| sports field [playing field] | Spielfeld {n} | |
| dallying {adj} {pres-p} [playing amorously, flirting] | schäkernd | |
| face [of playing card] | Bildseite {f} | |
| dallying {adj} {pres-p} [playing amorously, flirting] | scherzend [schäkernd] | |
| games cast [role-playing games] | Zauber {m} [Rollenspiele] | |
| mus. pianism [art of piano playing] | Klavierkunst {f} | |
| mus. pianism [technique of piano playing] | Klavierspieltechnik {f} | |
| games German pack [playing cards] | deutsches Blatt {n} | |
| mus. lute-playing [also: lute playing] | Lautenspiel {n} | |
| riffle shuffle [playing cards] | Bogenmischen {n} [Spielkarten] | |
| sports half [playing period] | Halbzeit {f} [Hälfte der Spielzeit] | |
| games vault dweller [Fallout role-playing game] | Bunkerbewohner {m} | |
| sports sporting potential [ability for playing sports] | sportliches Potenzial {n} | |
| hand-eye coordination [in playing ball games] | Ballgefühl {n} | |
| cloth. sports second-choice kit [Br.] [playing attire] | Reserveausrüstung {f} [Spielkleidung] | |
| card [greeting, playing, credit card] | Karte {f} [Postkarte, Spielkarte, Kreditkarte] | |
| games heart [playing card] | Cœur {n} [Herz im französischen Blatt (Spielkarte)] | |
| mus. Unverified pianism [art of piano playing] | Klavierspiel {n} [Kunst des Klavierspielens] | |
| games sharper [professional gambler, esp. in playing cards] | Berufsspieler {m} [Kartenspiele] | |
| games character class [in role-playing games] | Charakterklasse {f} [bei Rollenspielen] | |
| games saving throw [in role-playing games] | Rettungswurf {m} [bei Rollenspielen] | |
| sports wing play [playing wide] | Flügelspiel {n} [Spiel über außen (Flügel)] | |
| games pip [dice, playing card, domino tile] | Auge {n} [Würfel, Spielkarte, Dominostein] | |
| comp. games transmuter [e.g. role playing game] | Verwandler {m} [z. B. Rollenspiele] | |
| winnings [money won from gambling, playing sport etc.] | erspieltes Geld {n} | |
| mus. clarino playing [baroque trumpet: playing in the highest clarino register] | Clarinblasen {n} | |
| mus. combination tone / note [3rd resultant tone from playing 2 notes] | Kombinationston {m} | |
| games system reference document <SRD> [in role-playing games] | Systemreferenzdokument {n} [bei Rollenspielen] | |
| games F The Dark Eye [role-playing game] | Das Schwarze Auge <DSA> [Rollenspiel] | |
| games [group of three or four men / women playing cards regularly] | Kartelrunde {f} [ugs.] | |
| sports half [one of the two playing periods] | Spielhälfte {f} [eine der beiden Spielzeithälften] | |
| lit. theatre F Light-o'-Love [also: Playing with Love] [older translations] | Liebelei [Arthur Schniztler] | |
| idiom I call shenanigans! [coll.] [You are not playing by the rules!] | Du schummelst! | |
| sodcasting [coll.] [playing music loudly through a phone in public] | [lautes Musikhören über Handylautsprecher] | |
| educ. mus. instrument tuition [esp. Br.] [also: instrumental tuition] [instruction in playing a musical instrument] | Instrumentalunterricht {m} | |
| film RadioTV theatre supporting actor [playing slightly or strongly exaggerated figures] | Charge {f} [Schauspieler, der Chargenrollen spielt] [auch: Chargenspieler] | |
| He was having a laugh. [coll.] [playing a trick] | Er hat sich einen abgelacht. [ugs.] | |
| sports indiaca [hand shuttlecock used playing peteca] | Indiaca® {f} [Handfederball] | |
| mus. [the art of playing the cithara] | Kitharodik {f} | |
| games jacks [in playing cards] | Buben {pl} [in Spielkarten] | |
| mus. from a sheet of music {adv} [not playing or singing by heart] | ab Blatt [schweiz.] [singen oder spielen] | |
| RadioTV to play [e.g. radio, TV is playing] | laufen [z. B. Radio, Fernseher läuft] | |
| games system reference document <SRD> [in role-playing games] | System-Referenz-Dokument {n} [bei Rollenspielen] | |
| checkmated {adj} [chess] | schachmatt | |
| games mated {adj} [chess] | matt | |
| mated {adj} {past-p} [chess] | mattgesetzt | |
| games to castle [chess] | rochieren | |
| games castling [chess] | Rochade {f} | |
| games helpmate [chess] | Hilfsmatt {n} | |
English-German online dictionary developed to help you share your knowledge with others.
More informationContains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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