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| anat. plexus | 13 Plexus {m} | |
| anat. plexus | 10 Adergeflecht {n} | |
2 Words: Nouns |
| anat. VetMed. Auerbach's plexus [Plexus myentericus, Plexus Auerbachi] | Auerbach-Plexus {m} [Plexus myentericus {m}] | |
| anat. VetMed. Auerbach's plexus [Plexus myentericus, Plexus Auerbachi] | Auerbach'scher Plexus {m} | |
| anat. brachial plexus [Plexus brachialis] | Armgeflecht {n} | |
| anat. brachial plexus [Plexus brachialis] | Brachialnervenplexus {m} | |
| anat. brachial plexus [Plexus brachialis] | Brachialplexus {m} | |
| anat. cardiac plexus [Plexus cardiacus] | Herzgeflecht {n} | |
| anat. carotid plexus [Plexus caroticus] | Karotisplexus {m} | |
| anat. celiac plexus [Am.] [solar plexus] | Sonnengeflecht {n} | |
| anat. celiac plexus [solar plexus] [Am.] | Solarplexus {m} | |
| anat. cervical plexus [Plexus cervicalis] | Halsgeflecht {n} | |
| anat. choroid plexus | Choroidplexus {m} | |
| med. choroid plexus | Plexus {m} (venosus) choroideus | |
| anat. biol. choroid plexus [Plexus choroideus, Plexus chorioideus, Plexus chorioides] | Plexus chorioideus {m} [Plexus choroideus] | |
| anat. choroid plexus [Plexus choroideus] | Adergeflecht {n} [im Hohlraumsystem des Gehirns] | |
| anat. coeliac plexus [Br.] [solar plexus] | Sonnengeflecht {n} | |
| anat. coeliac plexus [solar plexus] [Br.] | Solarplexus {m} | |
| anat. lumbal plexus [rare] [Plexus lumbalis] | Lendengeflecht {n} | |
| anat. lumbal plexus [rare] [Plexus lumbalis] | Lendennervengeflecht {n} | |
| anat. lumbal plexus [rare] [Plexus lumbalis] | Lendenplexus {m} | |
| anat. lumbar plexus [Plexus lumbalis] | Lendengeflecht {n} | |
| anat. lumbar plexus [Plexus lumbalis] | Lendennervengeflecht {n} | |
| anat. lumbar plexus [Plexus lumbalis] | Lendenplexus {m} | |
| anat. lumbosacral plexus [Plexus lumbosacralis] | Lenden-Kreuz-Geflecht {n} | |
| anat. VetMed. Meissner's plexus | Meissner-Plexus {m} | |
| anat. VetMed. myenteric plexus [Plexus myentericus, Plexus Auerbachi] | Auerbach-Plexus {m} | |
| anat. VetMed. myenteric plexus [Plexus myentericus, Plexus Auerbachi] | Auerbach'scher Plexus {m} | |
| anat. nerve plexus | Nervenplexus {m} | |
| anat. pharyngeal plexus | Plexus (venosus) pharyngeus {m} [Venengeflecht des Rachens/Pharynx] | |
| med. plexus anaesthesia [Br.] | Plexusanästhesie {f} | |
| med. plexus anesthesia [Am.] | Plexusanästhesie {f} | |
| med. plexus haemorrhage [Br.] | Plexusblutung {f} | |
| med. plexus hemorrhage [Am.] | Plexusblutung {f} | |
| med. plexus injury | Plexusverletzung {f} | |
| med. plexus neuralgia | Plexusneuralgie {f} | |
| med. plexus papilloma | Plexuspapillom {n} | |
| med. plexus paralysis | Plexuslähmung {f} | |
| anat. VetMed. plexus submucosus [Plexus nervosus submucosus, Plexus Meissneri] | innerer submuköser Plexus {m} [selten] [Meissner-Plexus] | |
| anat. pudendal plexus [Plexus pudendus] | Schamgeflecht {n} | |
| anat. pulmonary plexus [Plexus pulmonalis] | Lungengeflecht {n} | |
| anat. renal plexus [Plexus renalis] | Nierengeflecht {n} | |
| anat. renal plexus [Plexus renalis] | Nierennervengeflecht {n} | |
| anat. sacral plexus [Plexus sacralis] | Kreuzbeingeflecht {n} | |
| anat. sacral plexus [Plexus sacralis] | Kreuzgeflecht {n} | |
| anat. solar plexus | Solarplexus {m} | |
| anat. solar plexus | Sonnengeflecht {n} | |
| anat. VetMed. submucosal plexus [Plexus nervosus submucosus, Plexus submucosus, Plexus Meissneri] | Meissner-Plexus {m} | |
| anat. VetMed. submucous plexus [Plexus nervosus submucosus, Plexus submucosus, Plexus Meissneri] | Meissner-Plexus {m} | |
| anat. tympanic plexus [Plexus tympanicus] | Paukengeflecht {n} | |
| anat. vascular plexus | Gefäßgeflecht {n} | |
| anat. venous plexus [plexus venosus] | Venengeflecht {n} [Venenplexus] | |
| anat. venous plexus [Plexus venosus] | Venenplexus {m} | |
3 Words: Nouns |
| med. brachial plexus anaesthesia <BPA> [Br.] | Armplexusanästhesie {f} | |
| med. brachial plexus anesthesia <BPA> [Am.] | Armplexusanästhesie {f} | |
| med. brachial plexus anesthesia <BPA> [Am.] | Betäubung {f} des Armnervengeflechts | |
| med. brachial plexus injury <BPI> | Brachialplexusverletzung {f} [auch: Brachialplexus-Verletzung] | |
| med. brachial plexus injury <BPI> | Plexus-brachialis-Verletzung {f} | |
| med. choroid plexus carcinoma <CPC> | Plexuskarzinom {n} | |
| med. choroid plexus cyst <CPC> | Plexuszyste {f} [Plexus-chorioideus-Zyste, Plexus-choroideus-Zyste] | |
| med. choroid plexus papilloma <CPP> | Plexuspapillom {n} | |
| anat. VetMed. inner submucous plexus <ISP> [Plexus nervosus submucosus, Plexus Meissneri] | Meissner-Plexus {m} | |
| anat. VetMed. outer submucous plexus <OSP> | äußerer submuköser Plexus {m} | |
| anat. pampiniform (venous) plexus [plexus (venosus) pampiniformis] | Plexus pampiniformis {m} | |
| anat. biol. pterygoid (venous) plexus [Plexus venosus pterygoideus] | Plexus (venosus) pterygoideus {m} | |
| med. solar plexus shock | Solarplexusschock {m} | |
| anat. vaginal venous plexus | Plexus venosus vaginalis {m} | |
4 Words: Nouns |
| med. atypical (choroid) plexus papilloma <APP> | atypisches Plexuspapillom {n} | |
| med. lower brachial plexus paralysis <lower BPP> [Klumpke type] | untere Armplexuslähmung {f} [Déjerine-Klumpke-Lähmung] | |
| anat. VetMed. plexus of the submucosa [Plexus nervosus submucosus, Plexus submucosus, Plexus Meissneri] | Meissner-Plexus {m} [Plexus submucosus {m}] | |
| anat. VetMed. plexus of the submucosa [Plexus nervosus submucosus, Plexus submucosus, Plexus Meissneri] | Meissner'scher Plexus {m} [seltener] [Meissner-Plexus] | |
| med. upper brachial plexus palsy <upper BPP> [type Erb's palsy] | obere Armplexuslähmung {f} [Erb'sche Lähmung] | |
5+ Words: Nouns |
| punch in / to the solar plexus [also fig.] | Schlag {m} in die Magengrube [auch fig.] | |
Fiction (Literature and Film) |
| lit. F Plexus [Henry Miller] | Plexus | |
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