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English-German translation for: plume
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Dictionary English German: plume

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NOUN   a plume | plumes
VERB  to plume | plumed | plumed ... 
SYNO   to plume | to preen | to congratulate ... 
NOUN   der Plume | die Plumes
to plume [e.g. smoke from a chimney, breath in the frosty air]Wolken bilden [z. B. Rauch, Atem in der kalten Luft]
orn. to plume [preen]sich putzen
plume [of dust, smoke etc.]
Wolke {f} [z. B. Rauchwolke, Staubwolke]
Abluftfahne {f}
Feder {f} [z. B. lange Hutfeder]
Schadstofffahne {f}
Hutfeder {f} [große]
Abwasserfahne {f}
plume [long feather(s) worn as an ornament]
Federschmuck {m} [aus großen Federn bestehender Schmuck]
geol. plumePlume {m}
geol. plume [short for: mantle plume]Manteldiapir {m}
2 Words: Verbs
to plume (oneself) [dress]sich fein machen [Redewendung]
2 Words: Nouns
tech. (gas) plumeAbgasfahne {f}
geol. ash plumeAschewolke {f}
decorative plumeSchmuckfeder {f}
astron. geogr. dust plumeStaubwolke {f}
automot. aviat. exhaust plumeAbgasfahne {f}
geol. material gas plumeGaswolke {f}
geol. hydrothermal plumehydrothermale Rauchfahne {f}
geol. mantle plumeManteldiapir {m}
geol. mantle plumeMantelplume {m}
ostrich plumeStraußenfeder {f} [als Schmuck]
cloth. hist. plume hatFederhut {m} [mit großer Feder]
geol. plume height [volcano eruption]Quellhöhe {f} [Vulkanausbruch]
ind. tech. plume riseAbgasfahnenüberhöhung {f}
ecol. nucl. radiation plumeStrahlungswolke {f}
ecol. nucl. radiation plumeradioaktive Wolke {f}
ecol. nucl. radioactive plumeStrahlungswolke {f}
ecol. nucl. radioactive plumeradioaktive Wolke {f}
cloth. Unverified weeping plumePleureuse {f} [veraltet]
3 Words: Verbs
to plume (oneself) on sb./sth. [pride oneself]auf jdn./etw. stolz sein
3 Words: Nouns
nom de plumeKünstlername {m} [eines Schriftstellers]
nom de plumePseudonym {n} [eines Schriftstellers]
nom de plumeSchriftstellername {m}
cloth. ostrich plume hat [women's hat]Hut {m} mit Pleureuse [veraltet] [Damenhut mit Straußenfeder als Schmuck]
plume of dustStaubwolke {f}
cloth. orn. plume of feathersFederbusch {m}
geol. material plume of gasGaswolke {f}
plume of smokeRauchwolke {f}
plume of steamDunstfahne {f}
plume of steamDunstglocke {f}
plume of waterWasserfontäne {f}
5+ Words: Verbs
journ. lit. to write under a nom de plumeunter einem Pseudonym schreiben
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
entom. T
zool. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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A 2023-10-22: 'Weeping plume' googles well with 'hat'
A 2009-01-30: Generally called a 'plume' in texts about pollution.

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