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English-German translation for: poems
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Dictionary English German: poems

Translation 1 - 21 of 21

English German
NOUN   a poem | poems
lit. poems
Gedichte {pl}
lit. poemsPoeme {pl}
2 Words
lit. to compose poemsGedichte schreiben
lit. epic poemsEpen {pl}
lit. epic poemsHeldengedichte {pl}
hist. lit. Homeric poemshomerische Epen {pl}
lit. satirical poemsSpottgedichte {pl}
publ. lit. selected poemsausgewählte Gedichte {pl}
tone poemsTondichtungen {pl}
hist. lit. War PoemsKriegslyrik {f} [v. a. aus dem / über den Ersten Weltkrieg]
3 Words
lit. publ. book of poemsGedichtband {m}
lit. publ. collection of poemsGedichtsammlung {f}
lit. publ. collection of poemsSammlung {f} von Gedichten
publ. lit. cycle of poemsGedichtzyklus {m}
publ. lit. cycles of poemsGedichtzyklen {pl}
publ. volume of poemsGedichtband {m}
publ. volume of poemsLyrikband {m}
4 Words
lit. publ. small book of poemsGedichtbändchen {n}
lit. publ. small volume of poemsGedichtbändchen {n}
5+ Words
Of his poems the best-known appear in ...Die bekanntesten seiner Gedichte sind in ... zu finden.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Phantasmogoria and other Poems [Lewis Carroll]Phantasmagorie
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A 2021-11-04: To recite poems from (book, author, etc.), please let me know .....
A 2014-01-12: http://twiits.wordpress.com/category/poems/ Ist es das???
A 2013-09-11: music poetry / poems ....???
A 2012-04-21: It's v that is missing, and often used in poems so that the line scans.
A 2011-01-13: I was working on the proof of one of my poems all the morning, and took ou...
A 2010-11-15: IMO, it's a good thing. I remember learning poems by heart in my German ch...
A 2010-11-15: Gee. At least two poems each year, here.
A 2010-09-15: http://famouspoetsandpoems.com/poets/t__s__eliot/poems/15121
A 2010-08-19: http://www.spellingsociety.org/news/media/poems.php
A 2010-01-12: no, it doesn't; but blame Max Knight (translator of very many Morgenstern poems)
A 2009-09-13: There are several 'dash-between-the-dates' poems, but I think it was the L...
A 2009-08-18: have to bow out, my knowledge of OLD german extends to some baroque novels...
A 2009-02-11: Lyrics and Poems
A 2008-11-25: Re: The Romantics' poems are like teenagers. Untamed, wild, quixotic, enth...
A 2008-11-25: Oh yes, it was. German poems are great, too. If great poets are involved, ...
A 2008-11-25: My effort. German poems are always worth reading.
A 2007-02-22: Panegyric Poems?
A 2006-09-24: POEMS LINK
A 2006-09-07: as long as he doesn't start dressing up in funny clothes and reciting his ...
A 2006-05-08: I love translating poems but I haven't got the time today. Tomorrow OK ?

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