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English-German translation for: policeman
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Dictionary English German: policeman

Translation 1 - 52 of 52

English German
NOUN   a policeman | policemen
SYNO   officer | police officer | policeman
jobs policeman
Polizist {m}
jobs policeman
Polizeibeamter {m}
jobs policeman
Schupo {m} [veraltet] [leicht pej.] [kurz für: Schutzpolizist]
jobs policeman
Schutzmann {m} [ugs.] [uniformierter Polizist]
jobs policeman [uniformed]
Wachter {m} [österr.] [ugs.] [veraltend]
jobs policeman [uniformed]Polizeimann {m} [veraltet]
jobs policeman [uniformed]Wachmann {m} [österr.] [veraltet]
2 Words: Nouns
chem. pharm. (rubber) policeman [hand-held flexible natural-rubber scraper]Gummiwischer {m} [zum Loslösen von festgebackenen Rückständen im Kolben]
jobs (uniformed) policemanSchutzpolizist {m} <Schupo>
armed policemanbewaffneter Polizist {m}
auxiliary policemanHilfspolizist {m}
jobs border policemanGrenzpolizist {m}
hist. community policemanRevierpolizist {m} [in der ehem. BRD]
hist. community policeman [in the GDR]Abschnittsbevollmächtigter {m} <ABV> [in der DDR]
country policemanLandjäger {m}
jobs country policemanLandpolizist {m}
ex-policemanExpolizist {m} [auch: Ex-Polizist]
journ. pol. global policemanWeltgendarm {m}
mil. military policemanMilitärpolizist {m}
hist. mil. military policeman [Germany, mid 19th century until 1945]Feldgendarm {m}
mounted policemanberittener Polizist {m}
jobs plainclothes policemanZivilfahnder {m}
policeman's killerPolizistenmörder {m}
policeman's murdererPolizistenmörder {m}
rubber policeman [dated] [sl.] [condom]Gummischutz {m} [veraltend] [Kondom]
chem. pharm. rubber policeman [hand-held flexible natural-rubber scraper]Gummischaber {m}
traffic sleeping policemanDrempel {m} [nordd. regional, z. B. Nordrhein-Westfalen] [Bremsschwelle]
traffic sleeping policeman [Br.]Bodenschwelle {f}
traffic sleeping policeman [Br.]Bremsschwelle {f}
traffic sleeping policeman [Br.]Fahrbahnschwelle {f}
traffic sleeping policeman [Br.]Rüttelschwelle {f}
traffic sleeping policeman [Br.] [fig.] [low hump across a road]Kölner Teller {m} [regional] [Geschwindigkeitshemmer]
sleeping policeman [Br.] [fig.] [low hump across a road]schlafender Polizist {m} [fig.] [Fahrbahnhöcker]
jobs traffic traffic policemanVerkehrspolizist {m}
village policemanDorfgendarm {m} [österr.] [veraltet]
village policemanDorfpolizist {m}
hist. pol. world's policemanWeltpolizist {m}
3 Words: Verbs
to ask the policemanden Polizisten fragen
3 Words: Nouns
plain-clothes policemanZivilfahnder {m}
plain-clothes policemanPolizist {m} in Zivil
4 Words: Nouns
beat of a policemanBezirk {m} eines Polizisten
beat of a policemanRunde {f} des Polizisten
policeman on the beatStreifenpolizist {m}
5+ Words: Others
There is one policeman for every 1,000 citizens.Auf einen Polizisten kommen 1.000 Bürger.
There is one policeman to every 1,000 citizens.Auf einen Polizisten kommen 1.000 Bürger.
Fiction (Literature and Film)
lit. F Flow My Tears, the Policeman Said [Philip K. Dick]Eine andere Welt
lit. F The Library Policeman [Stephen King]Der Bibliothekspolizist
lit. F The Third Policeman [Flann O'Brien]Der dritte Polizist
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
bot. T
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A 2015-03-13: Da es sich um einen Mann handelt, ist +policeman+ wohl richtig; sein weibl...
A 2015-03-13: noch einen Artikel einfügen: "to train as a policeman"
A 2014-07-10: John was having a haircut, when suddenly a policeman came and arrested him.
A 2009-12-09: sleeping policeman
A 2009-10-14: somebody who gives a policeman a hard time ?
A 2009-09-10: ... ein Haschier ein Polizist > policeman
A 2009-05-04: policeman
A 2008-09-18: Does it have to be a policeman and a motorbike?
A 2007-02-06: electric light is said to be the best policeman
A 2006-02-20: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=define%3A%22sleeping+pol...
A 2005-06-24: undercover + slang word for a policeman: Christa is right

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