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English-German translation for: polished
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Dictionary English German: polished

Translation 1 - 43 of 43

English German
ADJ   polished | more polished | most polished
VERB  to polish | polished | polished ... 
SYNO   dressed | polished | milled | polished ... 
polished {adj} {past-p}
polished {adj} {past-p}
polished {adj} [dialogue]
geschliffen [Stil, Ausdrucksweise etc.]
polished {adj}
sb. polished
jd. polierte
polished {adj} {past-p} [speech, essay, poem, etc.]
ausgefeilt [fig.]
polished {adj}
polished {adj} {past-p}
polished {adj}
2 Words: Others
brightly polished {adj}blank poliert
brightly polished {adj}auf Hochglanz poliert
dirt-polished {adj}vor Dreck glänzend [vor Dreck stehend]
material fire-polished {adj}feuerpoliert
hand-polished {adj} {past-p}handpoliert
highly polished {adj}hochglanzpoliert
electr. material highly polished {adj}hochpoliert
highly polished {adj}spiegelblank (poliert) [hochglanzpoliert]
rough-polished {adj}anpoliert
slightly polished {adj} {past-p}anpoliert
smoothly polished {adj} {past-p}glatt poliert
2 Words: Nouns
polished aggregatepoliertes Aggregat {n}
polished behaviour [Br.]elegantes Benehmen {n}
polished languageelegante Sprache {f}
polished languagegepflegte Sprache {f}
polished languagegesittete Sprache {f}
polished languageverfeinerte Sprache {f}
polished mannerselegante Manieren {pl}
polished mannersgesittete Manieren {pl}
polished marblegeschliffener Marmor {m}
polished marbleglatter Marmor {m}
polished surfacespolierte Oberflächen {pl}
3 Words: Others
high gloss polished {adj}hochglanzpoliert
3 Words: Nouns
polished plate glassKristallspiegelglas {n}
constr. polished stone value <PSV>Polierwert {m} [Straßenbau]
mineral. tumble-polished stoneTrommelstein {m} [unregelmäßig rund geschliffener Schmuckstein]
4 Words: Others
He polished his shoes.Er putzte seine Schuhe.
in a polished style {adj} [postpos.]druckreif [fig.]
5+ Words: Others
polished to a mirror / mirror-like finish {adj} {past-p} [postpos.]spiegelblank poliert
polished to a mirror / mirror-like shine {adj} {past-p} [postpos.]spiegelblank poliert
Taxa/Species (Animals, Plants, Fungi)
entom. T
bot. T
zool. T
bot. T
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A 2020-04-17: Rough to polished
A 2014-09-07: A - word order: als ihn sie behalten zu lassen B - look polished, shine
A 2014-05-07: gloss-turned and front-polished seems to be OK
A 2013-07-29: This "Geselligkeit" is not easy to get across. I added "polished."
A 2013-03-27: It's not white, but shiny, as in "polished."
A 2010-11-11: collarless polished tapered hip replacement
A 2010-10-14: smooth and polished (and falsely charming)
A 2010-01-28: dfoote, I bow to you - although Martin polished it all up, your translatio...
A 2009-09-22: May be the mean is that " the plate should be polished ".
A 2008-10-30: Final, polished sentence
A 2008-08-11: polished parts protected (by transparent foil ?)
A 2008-07-08: polished flush
A 2008-03-25: Ist das nicht eher +Blankleder+? > brush / butt / polished leather
Q 2008-02-17: polished (hier)
A 2007-08-27: as smooth as a polished stone / river stone
A 2007-07-25: Why not polished out?
A 2007-03-01: stainless steel effect, polished chrome
A 2007-02-28: auf englisch: finely sanded, polished
A 2006-08-30: polished concrete
A 2006-08-30: Polished concrete googles rather well....

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