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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: polymer trap
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: polymer trap

Translation 1 - 50 of 374  >>

biol. bot. polymer trapPolymer-Falle {f}
Partial Matches
material polymer-polymer compositePolymergemisch {n}
biochem. chem. material polymerPolymer {n}
biochem. polymer-rich {adj}polymerreich
chem. acrylic polymerAcryl-Polymer {n}
chem. acrylic polymerAcrylpolymer {n}
chem. base polymerBasispolymer {n}
biochem. biodegradable polymerbiologisch abbaubares Polymer {n}
biol. biological polymerbiologisches Polymer {n}
chem. cationic polymerkationisches Polymer {n}
chem. electr. tech. conductive polymer(elektrisch) leitfähiges Polymer {n}
chem. extra polymerExtrapolymer {n}
biochem. fibrin polymerFibrinpolymer {n}
biochem. glucose polymerGlucosepolymer {n} [fachspr.]
biochem. glucose polymerGlukosepolymer {n}
biochem. lignin polymerLigninpolymer {n}
spec. linear polymerlineares Polymer {n}
chem. mass polymerBlockpolymer {n}
matrix polymerMatrixpolymer {n}
polymer banknoteKunststoffgeldschein {m}
material tech. polymer basePolymerbasis {f}
engin. polymer blendPolyblend {n}
material polymer blendPolymerblend {n}
chem. polymer blendsPolymerblends {pl}
chem. polymer brushPolymerbürste {f}
chem. polymer chemistryPolymerchemie {f}
chem. polymer coatingPolymerschicht {f}
chem. polymer compoundPolymerverbindung {f}
chem. polymer concentrationPolymerkonzentration {f}
polymer concretePolymerbeton {m}
chem. polymer contentPolymergehalt {m}
chem. polymer crystallizationPolymerkristallisation {f}
phys. polymer degradationPolymerabbau {m}
polymer dispersionPolymerdispersion {f}
chem. material polymer filmPolymerfilm {m}
chem. polymer groupPolymergruppe {f}
chem. material polymer materialPolymerwerkstoff {m}
polymer matrixPolymermatrix {f}
phys. polymer meltPolymerschmelze {f}
chem. tech. polymer membranePolymermembran {f}
engin. polymer mixturePolyblend {n}
engin. polymer mixturePolymerblend {n}
chem. polymer moleculePolymermolekül {n}
chem. polymer moleculesPolymermoleküle {pl}
chem. polymer phasePolymerphase {f}
chem. polymer precursorPolymervorläufer {m}
chem. ind. material polymer processingKunststoffverarbeitung {f}
acad. chem. polymer researchPolymerforschung {f}
acad. chem. polymer sciencePolymerwissenschaft {f}
chem. polymer solutionPolymerlösung {f}
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