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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: pompös reisen
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Dictionary English German: pompös reisen

Translation 1 - 50 of 91  >>

VERB   pompös reisen | reiste pompös/pompös reiste | pompös gereist
to travel in statepompös reisen
Partial Matches
consequential {adj} [self-important]pompös
grandiose {adj}pompös
ostentatious {adj}pompös
pompous {adj} [archaic] [characterized by pomp or splendour]pompös
pretentious {adj} [house, decor]pompös [Haus, Dekor]
ling. orotund {adj} [pompous] [language style]pompös [Sprachstil, Rede usw.]
travel to fare [archaic]reisen
travel to journeyreisen
travel to travelreisen
travel to wayfare [obs.]reisen
travelReisen {n}
traveling [Am.]Reisen {n}
travellingReisen {n}
travel travel {sg}Reisen {pl}
travelsReisen {pl}
voyagesReisen {pl}
travel to tour [travel]reisen [touren]
traffic to travel aloneallein reisen
to travel in stateaufwändig reisen
to travel in stateaufwendig reisen
to travel on businessgeschäftlich reisen
to travel incognitoinkognito reisen
to be in coach [coll.]Touristenklasse reisen
to travel extensivelyviel reisen
transp. interplanetary travelinterplanetares Reisen {n}
lit. F Gulliver's Travels [Jonathan Swift]Gullivers Reisen
Travel broadens the mind.Reisen bildet. [Redewendung]
traffic to travel alonealleine reisen [ugs.]
idiom to be in coach [coll.]Holzklasse reisen [ugs.]
travel to backpackals Rucksacktourist reisen
travel to go on a journeyauf Reisen gehen
travel to make a journeyauf Reisen gehen
travel to travel [go on a journey]auf Reisen gehen
travel to go on foreign travelins Ausland reisen
travel TrVocab. to travel abroadins Ausland reisen
to go up countryins Landesinnere reisen
ability to travelMöglichkeit {f} zu reisen
naut. travel cruisingReisen {n} auf Kreuzfahrtschiffen
travel travelling abroadReisen {n} ins Ausland
lit. F Us [David Nicholls]Drei auf Reisen
lit. F Travels in the Scriptorium [Paul Auster]Reisen im Skriptorium
travel to voyagereisen [bes. per Schiff]
traffic Park & Ride <P&R, P+R> [Br.] [traffic sign]Parken und Reisen [Verkehrszeichen]
I hate travelling.Ich hasse das Reisen.
Travel broadens the mind.Reisen erweitert den Horizont.
to stow awayals blinder Passagier reisen
to time traveldurch die Zeit reisen
rail travel TrVocab. to travel first-classerster Klasse reisen / fahren
to spend money on travellingGeld für Reisen ausgeben
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