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English-German translation for: poorly
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Dictionary English German: poorly

Translation 1 - 57 of 57

English German
SYNO   badly | ill | poorly | ailing ... 
poorly {adv}
poorly {adv}
poorly {adv}
med. poorly {adj} [Br.] [ill]
poorly {adv} [inadequately]
med. poorly {adj} [Br.]
marod [österr.] [ugs.] [leicht krank]
poorly {adv} [dressed, furnished etc.]
med. poorly {adj} [Br.] [in poor health]
poorly {adj} [Br.] [ill]
med. poorly {adj} [Br.]
poorly {adv} [not rich]
poorly {adv} [pay]
schäbig [entlohnen]
poorly {adv}auf mangelhafte Weise
med. poorly {adj} [Br.] [in poor health]schlecht beisammen [bes. südd., österr.] [kränkelnd]
2 Words: Others
poorly accessible {adj}schlecht zugänglich
poorly attended {adj} [event etc.]schwach besucht [Veranstaltung usw.]
poorly conceived {adj}unausgereift [Plan, Idee]
anat. psych. poorly developed {adj}gering entwickelt
med. poorly differentiated {adj} {past-p} [cancer cells]wenig differenziert [Krebszellen]
poorly documented {adj}schlecht dokumentiert
poorly done {adj} {past-p} [e.g. homework]schlecht gemacht [z. B. Hausaufgaben]
poorly drained {adj}schlecht drainiert
poorly lit {adj}lichtarm [schlecht beleuchtet]
poorly maintained {adj}schlecht erhalten
poorly managed {adj} {past-p}schlecht verwaltet
med. poorly myelinated {adj}markarm
med. poorly myelinated {adj}myelinarm
poorly paid {adj} {past-p}schlecht bezahlt
poorly screened {adj} [not sufficiently protected]schlecht abgeschirmt
poorly shielded {adj}schlecht abgeschirmt [z. B. Strahlung]
poorly shielded {adj}schlecht geschützt [vor Wasser etc.]
poorly structured {adj}schlecht strukturiert
poorly suited {adj}wenig geeignet
poorly trained {adj} {past-p}schlecht ausgebildet
poorly ventilated {adj}schlecht belüftet
poorly ventilated {adj} {past-p}schlecht gelüftet
2 Words: Verbs
to do poorlyschlecht abschneiden
to do sth. poorly [e.g. homework]etw. schlecht machen [z. B. Hausaufgaben]
med. to heal poorlyschlecht abheilen
med. to heal poorlyschlecht verheilen
audio to hear poorlyschlecht hören
to live poorlyärmlich leben
to perform poorlyschlecht abschneiden
agr. to perform poorly [crops]geringe Erträge bringen [Feldfrüchte]
to sleep poorlyschlecht schlafen
agr. econ. to yield poorlyschlechten Ertrag bringen
3 Words: Verbs
to be poorly offarm dran sein [ugs.]
to be poorly off [Br.]knapp bei Kasse sein [ugs.]
to think poorly of sb. [esp. Am.] [idiom]schlecht von jdm. denken [Redewendung]
to think poorly of sb./sth. [esp. Am.]eine schlechte Meinung von jdm./etw. haben
to think poorly of sb./sth. [esp. Am.]wenig / nicht viel von jdm./etw. halten
to turn out poorlydürftig ausfallen
3 Words: Nouns
geol. poorly graded gravelKies {m} unregelmäßiger Körnung
poorly kept secretschlecht gehütetes Geheimnis {n}
poorly paid jobschlecht bezahlte Arbeit {f}
4 Words: Others
poorly endowed by nature {adj}von der Natur schlecht ausgestattet
4 Words: Verbs
to get on poorly with sb.nicht gut mit jdm. auskommen
» See 5 more translations for poorly within comments
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A 2022-01-18: It's troublesome to translate because it's poorly written.
A 2019-05-11: +switchover study+ googles rather poorly
A 2018-10-27: The English source is very poorly written
A 2017-07-06: something's missing or poorly transcribed.
A 2016-11-25: Some UK evidence +(never trust Google's original braggadocio!!!)+ In books...
A 2016-10-02: LINK; some suggestions: +wol+ > (here) +generally+ obtain only seldom; oth...
Q 2016-04-16: Kann man dies so schreiben, oder ist es "poorly written English"?
A 2016-03-28: That's (poorly translated) soap opera speak
A 2014-12-01: Sad to say, all the three phrases google inordinately poorly. They may be ...
A 2014-11-07: +judicial payment title+ googles about as poorly as can be
A 2014-03-11: I wouldn't say that the question is ambiguous, just that is is poorly written.
A 2014-03-11: Question is poorly constructed.
Q 2013-11-28: so. said something that caused you to feel poorly about yourself
A 2013-11-09: I made it through the evening rather poorly.
A 2013-03-07: For the UK, +white-collar company+ googles very poorly indeed
A 2013-03-06: It probably means what the others have said, but it's poorly written.
A 2012-08-26: they didn't have to work their way up through poorly attended, lousy…
Q 2012-01-28: ....but globally our last release performed rather poorly at the till.
A 2011-10-01: +Vatican's visitor to+ googles very poorly indeed (No results found for "V...
A 2011-07-22: poorly written English

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