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English-German translation for: popular dish
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Dictionary English German: popular dish

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gastr. [phantasy name of a popular (German) minced meat dish in the 50s]Arabisches Reiterfleisch {n} [Hackfleischgericht der 50er Jahre]
Partial Matches
big {adj} [popular]beliebt
mus. song [popular music]Titel {m}
tinfoil [popular misnomer]Aluminiumfolie {f}
common {adj} [prevalent, popular]weit verbreitet
most popular {adj} [extremely popular]ausgesprochen beliebt
mus. pop icon [popular music celebrity]Popikone {f}
mus. Viennese song [folksong, popular song]Wienerlied {n}
to catch on [coll.] [to prove popular]Anklang finden
gastr. [filling side dish]Sättigungsbeilage {f}
gastr. daily special [dish]Tagesgericht {n}
mus. hook [popular music]Hookline {f} [charakteristische Melodiephrase od. Textzeile]
to catch on [coll.] [to become popular]Schule machen [Redewendung]
lit. pop literature [coll.] [short for: popular literature]Popliteratur {f}
gastr. dal [dish]Daal {n} [Rsv.] [Dal]
gastr. dal [dish]Dhal {n} [Rsv.] [Dal]
relig. Shenism [also: shenism] [Chinese popular religion]Schenismus {m} [chinesischer Volksglauben]
to catch on [coll.] [to become popular]sich durchsetzen [populär werden]
public opinion [popular opinion, not recorded by statistical surveys]Volksmeinung {f}
gastr. [dish made of beef offal]Rinderfleck {m}
gastr. [dish served on a plate]Tellergericht {n}
gastr. couscous [semolina; dish]Kuskus {m} {n} [Grieß; Gericht]
gastr. chafing dishChafi {m} [ugs.] [Chafing-Dish]
Unverified gratin dish [baking dish]Gratinform {f} [Auflaufform]
lit. mus. theatre [farce with singing, popular in the 19th century]Posse {f} mit Gesang
hist. law Swiss children coercion reparation initiative [Swiss federal popular initiative]Wiedergutmachungsinitiative {f} [Schweiz]
gastr. casserole [baking dish]Kassrol {n} [veraltet für: Kasserole]
dish [coll.] [satellite dish]Schüssel {f} [ugs.] [Satellitenschüssel]
gastr. side [esp. Am.] [side dish]Beigabe {f} [Beilage]
gastr. national food [rare for: national dish]Nationalgericht {n}
biol. tools petri dish [often capitalized: Petri dish]Laborschale {f}
hist. lit. theatre sentimental tragicomedy [popular in the late 18th/early 19th cent.]weinerliche Komödie {f}
gastr. [black soup dish]Schwarzsauer {n} [traditionelles Gericht aus Blut]
gastr. spaetzle [type of South German pasta dish]Spätzle {pl}
gastr. meat-centric {adj} [of a cuisine or dish]fleischlastig
gastr. today's suggestion [dish, meal]Tagesempfehlung {f} [Gericht, Speise]
gastr. chicken rice porridge [Asian dish]Reissuppe {f} mit Huhn
sports [a style of sled runner popular in Bavaria that resembles curved horns]Hörnerschlitten {m}
idiom Nip it in the bud! [popular protest slogan in Germany]Wehret den Anfängen!
gastr. tiger meat [sl.] [raw ground beef dish] [Am.]Tatarbeefsteak {n}
mus. [folksy popular music genre, esp. in German speaking countries]volkstümliche Musik {f} [kommerzialisierte, sogenannte Volksmusik]
idiom flavour of the month [most popular person or thing] [coll.] [Br.]Hit {m} des Monats
A stitch in time saves nine! [popular protest slogan in Germany]Wehret den Anfängen!
mus. lit. F The Happy Wanderer [popular German song]Mein Vater war ein Wandersmann [Text: Friedrich Sigismund]
gastr. hash [dish with minced or cubed meat]Haché {n} [fachspr.] [Haschee]
stand [hot dish stand]Untersatz {m} [für heiße Schüsseln, Töpfe usw.]
fave dish [coll.] [fig] [short for: favorite / favourite dish]Leibgericht {n}
[typical representatives of an ethnic group in traditional costumes; popular motif on old postcards]Volkstypen {pl}
gastr. [traditional rural dish made from cereals or beans]Sterz {m} [österr.] [südd.]
gastr. cocotte [casserole dish]Kokotte {f} [Topf / Töpfchen; gleichbedeutend mit Auflaufform od. Kasserolle]
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