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English-German translation for: porcine
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Dictionary English German: porcine

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ADJ   porcine | more porcine | most porcine
SYNO   gross | porcine | hoggish | piggish ... 
ADJ  porcin | [selten] porciner | -
porciner | porcine | porcines
porcine {adj} [e.g. genome, haemoglobin, insulin, vaccine]
Schweine- [z. B. Genom, Hämoglobin, Insulin, Impfstoff]
porcine {adj}
porcine {adj}
biol. VetMed. porcine {adj}porcin
VetMed. porcine {adj}porzin
porcine {adj}schweinisch
2 Words: Nouns
VetMed. zool. porcine circovirus <PVC>porcines Circovirus {n} [ugs. auch {m}]
VetMed. porcine eperythrozoonosis <PE>Eperythrozoonose {f} der Schweine
VetMed. porcine faeces [Br.] [treated as sg. or pl.]Schweineexkremente {pl}
VetMed. porcine feces [Am.] [treated as sg. or pl.]Schweineexkremente {pl}
biol. zool. porcine genomeSchweinegenom {n} [auch: Schweine-Genom]
biochem. porcine haemoglobin [Br.]Schweinehämoglobin {n}
biochem. porcine hemoglobin [Am.]Schweinehämoglobin {n}
VetMed. porcine hoofSchweineklaue {f}
biochem. porcine insulinSchweineinsulin {n}
biol. porcine parvovirus <PPV>porziner Parvovirus {m} <PPV> [ugs.] [porzines Parvovirus]
biol. porcine parvovirus <PPV>porzines Parvovirus {n} <PPV>
med. porcine skinSchweinehaut {f}
pharm. porcine vaccineSchweineimpfstoff {m}
3 Words: Nouns
VetMed. porcine cytomegalovirus (disease) <PCMV>Einschlusskörperrhinitis {f}
VetMed. porcine epidemic diarrhoea <PED> [Br.]epizootische Virusdiarrhoe {f} <EVD>
VetMed. porcine intestinal adenomatosis <PIA>porzine intestinale Adenomatose {f} <PIA>
VetMed. porcine parvovirus infection <PPV infection>Parvovirus-Infektion {f} des Schweines [Infektion mit dem porzinen Parvovirus]
VetMed. porcine proliferative enteritis <PPE>porcine proliferative Enteritis {f} <PPE>
VetMed. porcine proliferative enteropathy <PPE>porzine proliferative Enteropathie {f} <PPE>
VetMed. porcine stress syndromeBelastungsmyopathie {f} beim Schwein
VetMed. porcine stress syndrome <PSS>Schweinestresssyndrom {n}
4 Words: Nouns
VetMed. porcine enteroviral / enterovirus encephalomyelitis [dated] [Teschen / Talfan disease]ansteckende Schweinelähme {f}
VetMed. porcine enteroviral / enterovirus encephalomyelitis [dated] [Teschen / Talfan disease]ansteckende Schweinelähmung {f}
VetMed. porcine enteroviral / enterovirus encephalomyelitis [dated] [Teschen / Talfan disease]Enterovirus-Enzephalomyelitis {f} der Schweine [Teschener Krankheit]
VetMed. porcine pulmonary oedema syndrome [Br.]Lungenödem {n} durch Fumonisinvergiftung
5+ Words: Nouns
VetMed. zool. porcine dermatitis and nephropathy syndrome <PDNS>PDNS {f} [Circovirus-2-Infektion]
VetMed. porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome <PRRS>seuchenhafter Spätabort {m} der Schweine <SSS>
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A 2015-05-31: +Nazischweine+ indeed? What an insult to the porcine livestock! Welche Bel...
A 2006-09-27: porcine gammon?
A 2006-09-26: porcine gammon (lt. odge)

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