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English-German translation for: portfolio
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Dictionary English German: portfolio

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NOUN   a portfolio | portfolios
NOUN   das Portfolio | die Portfolios
SYNO   Depotzusammensetzung | Portefeuille ... 
stocks portfolio
Bestand {m}
fin. portfolio
Wertpapierbestand {m}
portfolio [case for loose papers, drawings, etc.]
Mappe {f}
Portfolio {n}
fin. portfolio
Wertpapierdepot {n}
stocks portfolio
Depot {n}
pol. portfolio
Geschäftsbereich {m}
pol. portfolio [Br.]
Ressort {n}
portfolio [case]
Aktenmappe {f}
insur. portfolio [of contracts]
Vertragsbestand {m}
Künstlermappe {f}
portfolio [case]
Aktentasche {f}
pol. portfolio
Portefeuille {n} [Geschäftsbereich eines Ministers]
Zeichenmappe {f}
Ministeramt {n} [Geschäftsbereich]
art portfolioMappenwerk {n}
portfolio [case]Portefeuille {n} [veraltet] [Aktentasche]
2 Words: Nouns
(press) portfolioPressemappe {f}
comp. tech. application portfolioAnwendungsportfolio {n}
asset portfolioKreditvolumen {n}
fin. asset portfolioPortefeuille {n}
fin. bond portfolioAnleiheportfolio {n}
fin. bond portfolioRentenbestand {m}
comm. market. brand portfolioMarkenportfolio {n}
comm. business portfolioGeschäftsfelder {pl}
corporate portfolioUnternehmensportfolio {n}
econ. customer portfolioKundenportfolio {n}
pol. economics portfolioWirtschaftsressort {n}
efficient portfolioeffizientes Portfolio {n}
generation portfolioErzeugungsportfolio {n}
index portfolioIndex-Portfolio {n}
insur. insurance portfolioVersicherungsbestand {m}
investment portfolioAnlageportefeuille {n}
fin. investment portfolioBeteiligungsportefeuille {n}
fin. investment portfolioBeteiligungsportfolio {n}
fin. investment portfolioWertpapierbestand {m}
tech. jaw portfolio [for vices, lathe chucks]Backenportfolio {n} [für Schraubstöcke, Drehfutter]
acc. insur. loss portfolioSchadenportefeuille {n}
acc. insur. loss portfolioSchadenportfolio {n}
pol. ministerial portfolioMinisteramt {n} [Geschäftsbereich]
normal portfolionormales Portfolio {n}
comm. law patent portfolioPatentbestand {m}
fin. portfolio analysisDepotbewertung {f}
portfolio analysisPortfolioanalyse {f}
portfolio breakdownPortfolioaufgliederung {f}
portfolio buyingAnlagekäufe {pl}
jobs portfolio careerPortfoliokarriere {f}
fin. portfolio companyPortfoliogesellschaft {f}
portfolio descriptionPortfoliobeschreibung {f}
fin. portfolio durationPortfolioduration {f}
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A 2022-01-12: Ditto: https://resetarchitecture.com/portfolio/reset/
A 2017-06-20: I should plump for +list of transactions+ and +portfolio value calculation+
Q 2017-01-10: Grooming your portfolio?
Q 2016-10-27: To retail lifecycle management across its brand portfolio
A 2014-05-13: portfolio means
A 2014-05-12: make up of the portfolio/ investment strategy
A 2013-07-09: IT company focuses on its area of specialisation / business portfolio.
A 2013-01-16: "equity portfolio" is "Aktionportfolio"
A 2012-11-15: at MichaelK (: Aktienpaket = stock portfolio, block of shares, share pack...
A 2011-04-13: If it's an expanded product line, (*Modellportfolio*), I'd not use "portfolio."
A 2011-04-13: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&q=%22the+expansion+of+our+portfolio%22+s...
A 2011-02-21: would you really say "portfolio"?
A 2011-02-10: real property portfolio
A 2011-02-10: portfolio of properties?
A 2009-12-08: Not too sure, Romy. Dr Drax certainly blew his portfolio a couple of days ago.
A 2009-09-06: What's the best way to integrate brand X into company C's (existing) (prod...
A 2008-11-20: perhaps simply: How to create a portfolio?
A 2008-11-20: Instruction on how to create a portfolio (?)
A 2008-11-20: guide on how to create a portfolio
A 2008-09-09: without portfolio? (so to speak)

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