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English-German translation for: portrait
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Dictionary English German: portrait

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NOUN   a portrait | portraits
SYNO   portrait | portrayal | portraiture
NOUN   das Portrait | die Portraits
SYNO   Bild | Portrait
photo. print portrait {adj} [orientation of a photograph, image, print]
art photo. portrait
Porträt {n}
art portrait
Bildnis {n} [geh.]
photo. headshot [photograph]
Portrait {n} [alt]
art portrait
Brustbild {n}
art photo. portrait
Konterfei {n} [veraltet] [noch hum.]
art photo. portrait
Portrait {n} [alt]
art photo. portrait
Portraitbild {n} [alt]
art photo. portraitPorträtbild {n}
2 Words: Others
art portrait-like {adj}porträthaft
2 Words: Verbs
to paint sb.'s portraitjdn. abconterfeien [veraltet] [abkonterfeien] [jdn. abmahlen]
to paint sb.'s portraitjdn. portraitieren [alt für: porträtieren]
to paint sb.'s portraitjdn. porträtieren
2 Words: Nouns
art ancestral portraitAhnenbild {n} [Porträt]
art ancestral portraitAhnenporträt {n}
art artist portraitKünstlerporträt {n}
art artist's portraitKünstlerporträt {n}
art bust portraitBrustbild {n}
art bust portraitBrustporträt {n}
art bust portraitPorträtbüste {f}
art child's portraitKinderporträt {n}
art copperplate portraitKupferstichporträt {n}
art dog portraitHundeporträt {n}
art donor portraitStifterbild {n}
art double portraitDoppelporträt {n}
jobs employee portrait [profile or biography]Mitarbeiterporträt {n}
art equestrian portraitReiterbild {n}
art equestrian portraitReiterbildnis {n}
art equestrian portraitReiterporträt {n}
art equine portraitPferdeportrait {n} [alt]
art equine portraitPferdeporträt {n}
family portraitFamilienbild {n}
family portraitFamilienportrait {n} [alt]
family portraitFamilienporträt {n}
art female portraitFrauenbildnis {n}
art female portraitFrauenportrait {n} [alt]
art female portraitFrauenporträt {n}
film film portraitFilmporträt {n}
art group portraitGruppenporträt {n}
art head portraitKopfbildnis {n}
art head portraitKopfportrait {n} [alt]
art head portraitKopfporträt {n}
photo. head shot [portrait]Portrait {n} [alt] [Foto]
art horse portraitPferdeportrait {n} [alt]
art horse portraitPferdeporträt {n}
art hist. spec. identification portraitIdentifikationsporträt {n}
art imperial portraitKaiserbild {n}
art imperial portraitKaiserporträt {n}
Unverified life portraitLebensbild {n}
art male portraitMännerbildnis {n}
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A 2023-08-18: Im Deutschen ist ein Portrait nicht auf Kopf oder Gesicht beschränkt.
A 2020-04-17: His life. (His journey.) His portrait.
A 2016-04-27: Th.M. was a long way from democracy when he wrote this virtuoso self-portrait
A 2013-07-20: Can't be me, I retired in 2004. The other guy hides behind a portrait of a...
A 2013-03-25: Chuck Close beauftragen, ein Portrait von ihm zu malen. :-)
A 2010-12-22: Portrait / Portraitfotograf.
A 2010-02-25: Expectation of the portrait
A 2009-11-01: landscape = Querformat, portrait = Hochformat
Q 2009-11-01: landscape and portrait colour
A 2008-09-19: The oblong packs both show a portrait-format picture of several individual...
Q 2007-11-22: Self-portrait http://www.bomarzo.net/proteo_en.html
A 2006-09-13: Mine went smoothly - and now for the system to recover horizontally, readi...
A 2006-09-11: Short paper, long title? Short title, good book: J. Joyce's 'Portrait of t...
A 2006-08-15: portrait = noun, portray = verb
A 2006-08-15: to portrait (works also as a metaphor)
A 2006-08-15: to portrait
A 2005-10-04: Over the rumbles of his political manoeuvres wafts the portrait of the/ a/...
A 2005-08-02: i am translation of city portrait
A 2004-03-17: ...the immediate presence of the dancer in the portrait?

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