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English-German translation for: positioning
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Dictionary English German: positioning

Translation 1 - 65 of 65

English German
VERB  to position | positioned | positioned
positioning | positions
SYNO   aligning | positioning | emplacement ... 
positioning {adj} {pres-p}
Positionierung {f}
Anordnung {f}
Aufstellung {f}
Marktposition {f}
Verortung {f} [Positionierung]
Aufstellen {n}
tech. positioningEinbringen {n}
positioningPostierung {f}
2 Words: Nouns
advertisement positioningAnzeigenplatzierungen {pl}
tech. angular positioningPositionsbestimmung {f} über Drehwinkel
market. brand positioningMarkenpositionierung {f}
comm. broad positioningbreite Aufstellung {f}
comp. geogr. differential positioningdifferentielle Positionierung {f}
comp. geogr. differential positioningdifferenzielle Positionierung {f}
direct positioningdirektes Positionieren {n}
mining face positioningAbbaustellung {f}
tech. height positioningHöhenpositionierung {f}
electr. tech. layer positioningSchichtpositionierung {f}
patient positioningPatientenlagerung {f}
MedTech. patient positioningPatientenpositionierung {f}
positioning accuracyPositioniergenauigkeit {f}
tech. positioning accuracyPositionierungsgenauigkeit {f}
tech. positioning accuracyPositionsgenauigkeit {f}
tech. positioning controlLageregelung {f} [Lagesteuerung]
positioning controlPositioniersteuerung {f}
MedTech. positioning deviceLagerungsvorrichtung {f}
MedTech. positioning devicePositioniervorrichtung {f}
positioning errorPositionierfehler {m}
positioning errorPositionierungsfehler {m}
positioning facilityPositioniereinrichtung {f}
aviat. positioning flightÜberführungsflug {m}
positioning mechanismStellmechanismus {m}
positioning motorEinstellmotor {m}
positioning movementPositionierbewegung {f}
tech. positioning phasePositionierphase {f}
positioning reliabilityPositioniersicherheit {f}
positioning speedEinstellgeschwindigkeit {f}
positioning timePositionierzeit {f}
pre-positioningVorpositionierung {f}
MedTech. tech. preliminary positioningVorpositionierung {f}
naut. tech. relative positioningRelativpositionierung {f}
satellite positioningSatellitenortung {f}
satellite positioningSatellitenpositionierung {f}
MedTech. slice positioning [esp. in MRI etc.]Schichtpositionierung {f}
target positioningZielpositionierung {f}
work positioningArbeitspositionierung {f}
3 Words: Nouns
med. (flat) supine positioningFlachlagerung {f} [flache Rückenlagerung]
Global Positioning System <GPS>Satellitennavigationssystem {n} <SNS>
Global Positioning System <GPS>Globales Positionsbestimmungssystem {n} <GPS>
telecom. transp. GNSS-based positioningGNSS-basierte Positionierung {f}
med. inserting and positioning [e.g. a stent]Einführen und Positionieren {n} [z. B. eines Stents]
linear positioning systemLinear-Positioniersystem {n}
tech. motor-driven positioningmotorische Zustellung {f}
tech. optical positioning systemoptisches Positioniersystem {n}
MedTech. patient (positioning) tablePatientenlagerungstisch {m}
tech. pneumatic positioning device <PPD>pneumatische Positioniereinheit {f}
Internet search engine positioning <SEP>Suchmaschinenpositionierung {f}
4 Words: Nouns
engin. tech. Differential Global Positioning System <DGPS>Globales Positionssystem {n} mit Differential / Differentialsignal
engin. tech. Differential Global Positioning System <DGPS>Globales Positionssystem {n} mit Differenzial / Differenzialsignal
MedTech. patient transfer and positioningPatientenlagerung {f} und Positionierung
MedTech. positioning of (the) skullSchädellagerung {f}
5+ Words: Others
MedTech. for precise positioning of the shock wave headzur definierten Positionierung des Stoßwellenkopfes
5+ Words: Nouns
MedTech. imaging technique with incorrect positioningfehlpositionierte Aufnahmetechnik {f}
MedTech. positioning the breast for a biopsyPositionieren {n} der Brust für eine Biopsie
» See 3 more translations for positioning within comments
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Q 2021-06-30: roll resilient positioning unit - URGENT!
A 2016-11-26: Positioning a brand
A 2016-09-02: Positioning the head seems good! I will choose that. Thank you very much f...
A 2016-04-05: Agree with Catesse's remarks on positioning +only+
A 2014-06-03: +brand positioning+ in general
Q 2012-07-23: Text über Medizingeräte/Software (Abgabe morgen, Di, 9 Uhr) - "X-ray posit...
A 2012-03-02: business growth, good market position, positioning in the market
A 2011-08-10: Consequently: In-patient bed care / positioning of patients in bed is part...
A 2011-08-10: .... positioning someone in bed ..... to position ...
A 2011-03-21: ... the future course / direction / positioning of xxx
Q 2009-12-23: to be lack of effective positioning; to form application defect
A 2009-03-29: positioning
A 2009-03-05: positioning yourself
A 2008-12-10: to position / positioning ....
A 2008-10-15: perhaps: 'positioning'
A 2008-08-08: maybe: positioning of colposcope
A 2008-08-05: I suppose: motor-driven (tulsa53) positioning
A 2008-05-15: ? this points to a successful positioning especially in view of the so far...
A 2008-03-18: positioning and placement - danke, Riddle!
A 2008-03-18: Platzierung: positioning

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positioning facility
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positioning mechanism
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positioning of (the) skull

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