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English-German translation for: posture
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Dictionary English German: posture

Translation 1 - 50 of 78  >>

English German
NOUN   a posture | postures
VERB  to posture | postured | postured ... 
SYNO   military capability | military posture ... 
to posture
to posture sth.
etw. arrangieren
to posture sth.
etw. zurechtstellen
to posture [pose]sich in Pose stellen
to posture [pose]sich in Positur bringen
Haltung {f} [Körperhaltung, geistige Einstellung]
posture [bodily]
Körperhaltung {f}
posture [bodily]
Stellung {f} [Körperstellung]
posture [pose]
Pose {f} [Haltung]
posture [lying]
Lage {f} [Art des Liegens]
posture [pose]
Positur {f} [oft pej.]
Postur {f} [schweiz.]
2 Words: Nouns
biol. engin. sports arm posture [human or robot]Armhaltung {f}
med. bad postureHaltungsfehler {m}
med. bent posturegebeugte Haltung {f}
body postureKörperhaltung {f}
zool. camouflage postureTarnhaltung {f}
defensive posture [also fig.]Defensivhaltung {f} [auch fig.]
med. false postureFehlhaltung {f}
med. false postureHaltungsfehler {m}
med. fencing posture [(asymmetric) tonic neck reflex]Fechterstellung {f} [(asymmetrisch) tonischer Nackenreflex]
foot postureFußhaltung {f}
anat. med. foot postureFußstand {m} [Fußhaltung]
forced postureZwangshaltung {f}
med. frog posture [also: rag doll posture]Froschhaltung {f} [des Körpers]
med. good posturegute Haltung {f} [Körperhaltung]
habitual postureGewohnheitshaltung {f}
hand postureHandhaltung {f}
head postureKopfhaltung {f}
leg postureBeinhaltung {f}
leg postureBeinstellung {f}
dent. mouth postureMundhaltung {f}
entom. obelisk postureObelisk-Stellung {f}
relig. orans postureOrantenhaltung {f}
med. poor postureHaltungsfehler {m}
med. poor postureschlechte Haltung {f} [Körperhaltung]
cloth. posture braStütz-BH {m} [BH, der die Haltung verbessern soll]
furn. posture chairKniehocker {m}
MedTech. posture correctionHaltungskorrektur {f}
anat. zool. pronograde posture [quadrupedalism]pronograde Haltung {f} [Quadrupedalismus]
protective postureSchutzhaltung {f}
med. relieving postureSchonhaltung {f}
zool. resting postureRuhehaltung {f}
zool. resting postureRuhestellung {f}
VetMed. sawbuck posture [saw-buck position]Sägebockstellung {f}
VetMed. sawhorse posture [sawbuck position]Sägebockhaltung {f} [Sägebockstellung]
med. scoliotic postureskoliotische Fehlhaltung {f}
comp. security posture [situation regarding security]Sicherheitslage {f}
comp. security posture [situation regarding security]Sicherheitsstatus {m}
sitting postureSitzhaltung {f}
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Q 2018-10-05: foot posture ---- Frage: Ist das [Br.], warum findet das polarjud "awkward...
Q 2017-02-23: snake's defensive posture
A 2010-01-22: posture - Vielen Dank, Kornelius!
A 2010-01-22: http://www.google.co.uk/search?hl=en&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22mouth+posture%22&b...
A 2009-04-19: Asymmetrical posture / one-sided compensatory posture
A 2009-04-19: awkward posture (?)
A 2008-12-15: mechanical anatomy of motion and posture
A 2008-12-15: posture and locomotor system (?)
A 2008-09-15: http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22relieving+posture%22&...
A 2008-09-15: Schonhaltung http://www.google.de/search?hl=de&ie=ISO-8859-1&q=%22antalgic...
A 2008-07-10: posture and movement exercise / support / stimulation ......
A 2008-03-23: foot posture
A 2006-12-08: advanced ability to mould itself to the user's posture?
A 2006-07-05: problems of the musculo-skeletal system; not skeletal muscles. Bad posture...
A 2005-06-25: jerk posture
A 2004-02-24: stress posture

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