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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: potential risks
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Dictionary English German: potential risks

Translation 1 - 50 of 672  >>

NOUN   a potential risk | potential risks
potential risks {pl}Gefahrenpotential {n}
Partial Matches
chem. phys. Lennard-Jones potential <L-J potential>Lennard-Jones-Potential {n}
risksRisiken {pl}
risksRisikos {pl} [österr.]
sb. risksjd. riskiert
sb. risksjd. wagt
to entail risksRisiken bergen
to minimize risksRisiken mindern
to run risksRisiken eingehen
to take risksRisiken eingehen
med. psych. addiction risksSuchtrisiken {pl}
all risksalle Risiken {pl}
assigned risks {pl}Zwangszuteilung {f} von Risiken
med. competing riskskonkurrierende Risiken {pl}
current riskslaufende Risiken {pl}
customary risksübliche Risiken {pl}
economic riskswirtschaftliche Risiken {pl}
econ. economic risksWirtschaftsrisiken {pl}
extended riskserhöhte Gefahren {pl}
financial risksfinanzielle Risiken {pl}
FoodInd. gastr. med. food risksErnährungsrisiken {pl}
hazardous risksgefährliche Risiken {pl}
med. health risksKrankheitsrisiken {pl}
econ. inflation risksInflationsrisiken {pl}
major risksGroßrisiken {pl}
marine risksSeetransportrisiken {pl}
maritime risksSeetransportrisiken {pl}
medical risksmedizinische Risiken {pl}
miscellaneous risksgemischte Risiken {pl}
miscellaneous risksverschiedene Risiken {pl}
particular risksbesondere Risiken {pl}
port risksHafenrisiken {pl}
possible risksmögliche Risiken {pl}
residual risksRestrisiken {pl}
risks arisingentstehende Gefahren {pl}
risks assumedeingegangene Risiken {pl}
risks clauseGefahrenklausel {f}
risks involvedanhängige Risiken {pl}
security risksSicherheitsrisiken {pl}
special risksbesondere Gefahren {pl}
special risksbesondere Risiken {pl}
substantial riskserhebliche Risiken {pl}
underwriting risksVersicherungsrisiken {pl}
unhedgeable risksnicht absicherbare Risiken {pl}
med. vaccination risksImpfrisiken {pl}
insur. war risksKriegsrisiken {pl}
at all risks {adv}bei jedem Risiko
to assume all risksalle Risiken übernehmen
to bear all risksalle Gefahren tragen
to ensure against risksvor Risiken sichern
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