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English-German translation for: practices
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Dictionary English German: practices

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NOUN   a practice | practices
VERB  to practice | practiced | practiced
practicing | practices
sb. practices [Am.]
jd. praktiziert
Methoden {pl}
Praktiken {pl}
Verfahren {pl}
Bräuche {pl}
Übungen {pl}
Gebräuche {pl}
Ausübungen {pl}
comm. practices {pl}
Handelsbrauch {m}
2 Words: Nouns
accounting practicesBuchhaltungsgepflogenheiten {pl}
admin. administrative practicesVerwaltungspraktiken {pl}
admin. administrative practices {pl}Verwaltungspraxis {f}
advertising practicesWerbepraktiken {pl}
ancient practices {pl}alter Brauch {m}
best practicesbewährte Praktiken {pl}
econ. best practicesoptimale Vorgehensweisen {pl}
spec. best practices {pl}gute fachliche Praxis {f}
business practicesGeschäftspraktiken {pl}
business practicesgeschäftliche Handlungen {pl}
econ. business practices {pl}Geschäftsgebaren {n}
relig. Christian practices {pl}christlicher Brauch {m}
commercial practicesHandelspraktiken {pl}
commercial practicesgeschäftliche Handlungen {pl}
concerted practices(aufeinander) abgestimmte Verhaltensweisen {pl}
corrupt practicesBestechungsmethoden {pl}
corrupt practiceskorrupte Methoden {pl}
relig. cult practicesKultpraktiken {pl}
cultural practicesKulturpraktiken {pl}
deceptive practicesbetrügerische Machenschaften {pl}
relig. devotional practicesFrömmigkeitsformen {pl}
discriminative practices {pl}unterschiedliche Behandlung {f}
documentary practices {pl}Praxis {f} im Umgang mit Dokumenten
everyday practicesAlltagspraktiken {pl}
agr. farming practiceslandwirtschaftliche Praktiken {pl}
archaeo. relig. funerary practicesBestattungspraktiken {pl}
hygiene practicesHygienepraktiken {pl}
information practicesInformationspraktiken {pl}
interrogation practicesVerhörpraktiken {pl}
irregular practicesUnregelmäßigkeiten {pl}
knowledge practicesWissenspraktiken {pl}
leadership practicesFührungspraktiken {pl}
management practicesManagementpraktiken {pl}
medical practicesArztpraxen {pl}
archaeo. relig. mortuary practicesBestattungspraktiken {pl}
mortuary practices {pl}Totenkult {m}
payment practicesZahlungsgepflogenheiten {pl}
predatory practicesräuberische Machenschaften {pl}
restrictive practicesrestriktive Methoden {pl}
safe practicessichere Arbeitsweisen {pl}
comm. sales practicesVerkaufspraktiken {pl}
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A 2024-01-10: How does VGroup ensure sustainability in its event management practices?
Q 2022-11-08: Any quirkier public health practices anywhere?
A 2017-05-31: It's dicey stuff. In such matters, 1:1 equivalents may not even exist, wha...
A 2016-02-02: set of best practices ?
Q 2014-11-05: brief overview of current practices and plans of OR from the major hotel c...
A 2013-06-14: If those spied upon do not energetically oppose such state practices, they...
Q 2013-02-13: citational practices
Q 2012-12-05: fair hiring practices
Q 2012-07-23: Text über Medizingeräte/Software (Abgabe morgen, Di, 9 Uhr) - "stationary ...
A 2011-08-04: developed in accordance with the best engineering (practices/skills) available
A 2011-04-05: Great. Never knew that. I have another question with regard to payment pra...
A 2011-04-05: "practices", "standards", possibly "ethics", rather than morals.
A 2011-03-30: ... Worked as manager; also put in two spells of work experience in legal ...
Q 2010-06-28: Optimizing Back Office Operations: Best Practices to Maximize Profitability
A 2010-05-30: that's something different: Someone who reveals wrongdoings (crimes, unfai...
Q 2010-05-29: Use safe work practices to avoid eye or skin contact and inhalation.
A 2010-03-17: Misspelling: industry +practices+ - +practise+ exists only as a BE verb
A 2010-01-12: or "willing to perform 'less common' / extreme sexual practices"
A 2010-01-12: not necessarily ... it could also mean "flexible" or maybe even "experienc...
Q 2009-11-21: bar insurance practices

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Contains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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