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English-German translation for: practise
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Dictionary English German: practise

Translation 1 - 41 of 41

English German
VERB  to practise | practised | practised ... 
SYNO   to practice | to practise ... 
to practise [esp. Br.]
to practise [Br.]
to practise [Br.]
to practise sth. [Br.]
etw. betreiben
to practise [Br.]
to practise [archaic] [plot, scheme]sich verschwören
med. to practise [Br.]seine Praxis ausüben [selten]
med. to practise [Br.]eine / seine / ihre Praxis betreiben
2 Words: Verbs
agr. to practise agriculture [Br.]Ackerbau treiben
to practise deceit [Br.]täuschen
sports to practise gymnastics [Br.]turnen
jobs law to practise law [Br.]Anwalt sein
law to practise law [Br.]Anwaltspraxis ausüben
jobs law to practise law [Br.]als Jurist tätig sein
jobs med. to practise medicine [Br.]als Arzt tätig sein
to practise meditation [Br.](regelmäßig) meditieren
to practise politeness [Br.]Höflichkeit üben
mus. to practise scales [Br.]Tonleitern üben
2 Words: Nouns
mus. practise mute [Br.]Übungsdämpfer {m}
3 Words: Verbs
jobs to practise a profession [Br.]einen Beruf ausüben
to practise a profession [Br.]einem akademischen Beruf nachgehen
to practise on / upon sb. [Br.]jdn. ausnutzen
to practise on / upon sb. [Br.]jdn. bearbeiten
to practise on / upon sb. [Br.]jds. Schwäche ausnutzen
to practise on / upon sb. [Br.] [rare]jdn. missbrauchen
relig. to practise one's religion [Br.]seine Religion ausüben
to practise self-denial [Br.]Verzicht üben
mus. to practise the trumpet [Br.]Trompete üben
mus. to practise the violin [esp. Br.]Geige üben
3 Words: Nouns
dent. med. pharm. licence to practise [Br.]Bestallung {f} [Approbation]
4 Words: Others
idiom Practise what you preach! [Br.]Lass Worten Taten folgen!
4 Words: Verbs
to practise a fraud on sb. [Br.]jdn. täuschen
to practise a fraud on sb. [Br.] [rare]jdn. arglistig täuschen
to practise a hill start [Br.]das Anfahren am Berg üben
idiom to practise for an emergency [Br.](für) den Ernstfall proben
mus. to practise on the piano [Br.]am Klavier üben
mus. to practise on the piano [Br.]auf dem Klavier üben
mus. to practise on the violin [Br.]auf der Geige üben
4 Words: Nouns
licence to practise medicine [Br.](ärztliche) Approbation {f}
5+ Words: Verbs
to not practise what one preaches [Br.] [idiom]Wasser predigen und Wein trinken [Redewendung]
5+ Words: Nouns
inability to practise one's profession [Br.]Berufsunfähigkeit {f}
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A 2015-09-13: They practise religions other than Buddhism.
A 2013-09-09: @ufriend - mediating = different ..... practise meditation ....
A 2013-04-08: Practice / practise
A 2012-10-29: "to practice" is AE; "to practise" is BE
A 2012-10-24: To practise the (different) parts/voices separately/individually -
Q 2012-04-04: area of practise [Br.]
A 2011-09-21: BE: I +practise+ written English ...
A 2011-07-20: As it is an exercise to practise accusative and dative,
A 2011-06-01: Practice / practise.
A 2010-10-29: It means that today's good practise (i.e. what you're supposed to so)
Q 2010-10-29: beyond what is good practise today
A 2010-08-17: AE: to practice BE: to practise
A 2010-07-01: For wandle, it should be "to practise" (BE). AE = to practice
A 2010-03-17: Misspelling: industry +practices+ - +practise+ exists only as a BE verb
Q 2009-11-26: Vergabepraxis = allocation practise or better order placing procedures? Pl...
A 2009-09-09: Typo: to +practise+ (UK spelling)
A 2009-08-31: kürzer: licence to practise
A 2009-08-27: UK: The more you +practise+ ...
A 2009-08-23: In practise, the terms T, U and V are often considered together under feat...
A 2009-08-10: There's a noun/verb split on practice/practise in BE

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