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English-German translation for: pre
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Dictionary English German: pre

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pre- {prefix}
vor- [zeitlich]
hist. med. pre- {prefix} [used especially in words regarded as Latin]
2 Words: Others
pre-agreed {adj} {past-p}zuvor vereinbart
geol. pre-Alpidic {adj}präalpidisch
geogr. pre-alpine {adj}Voralpen-
geogr. pre-alpine {adj}voralpin
pre-analytical {adj}präanalytisch
relig. pre-animistic {adj}präanimistisch
pre-approved {adj}im Voraus genehmigt
pre-arranged {adj} {past-p}abgekartet [ugs.]
tech. pre-assembled {adj} {past-p}vorkonfektioniert
tech. pre-assembled {adj} {past-p}vormontiert
anat. audio biol. pre-auricular {adj}präaurikulär
biol. pre-bacteriological {adj}vorbakteriologisch
pre-baked {adj} {past-p}vorgebacken
bibl. hist. pre-biblical {adj}vorbiblisch
med. pre-birth {adj} [usually attr.]vor der Geburt [nachgestellt]
pre-bourgeois {adj}vorbürgerlich
pre-British {adj}vorbritisch
relig. pre-Buddhist {adj}vorbuddhistisch
pre-built {adj} {past-p}vorgefertigt
geol. pre-Cambrian {adj}präkambrisch
geol. pre-Cambrian {adj}vorkambrisch
econ. hist. pre-capitalist {adj}vorkapitalistisch
geol. pre-Carboniferous {adj}präkarbonisch
geol. pre-Carboniferous {adj}vorkarbonisch
archaeo. hist. ling. pre-Celtic {adj}vorkeltisch <vorkelt.>
hist. relig. pre-Chalcedonian {adj}vorchalcedonensisch
hist. relig. pre-Chalcedonian {adj}vorchalcedonisch
pre-chewed {adj} {past-p} [also fig.]vorgekaut [auch fig.]
hist. pre-Christian {adj}vorchristlich
pre-Christmas {adj} [attr.]vorweihnachtlich
pre-Christmassy {adj}vorweihnachtlich
pre-Christmasy {adj}vorweihnachtlich
pre-classical {adj}vorklassisch
pre-Clementine {adj}vorclementinisch
pre-Clementine {adj}vorklementinisch [Rsv.]
pre-clinical {adj}präklinisch
educ. med. pre-clinical {adj}vorklinisch [präklinisch]
educ. med. pre-clinically {adv}vorklinisch [präklinisch]
material tech. pre-coated {adj} {past-p}vorbeschichtet
archaeo. hist. pre-Colombian {adj}präkolumbianisch
pre-colonial {adj}präkolonial
hist. pre-colonial {adj}vorkolonial
archaeo. hist. pre-Columbian {adj}präkolumbisch
archaeo. hist. pre-Columbian {adj}vorkolumbisch
pre-commissioningvor der Inbetriebnahme
pre-communist {adj}vorkommunistisch
pre-configurable {adj}vorkonfigurierbar
pre-configured {adj} {past-p}vorkonfiguriert
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A 2023-02-04: Syllables prefixed to proper adjectives must accordingly be hyhenated, e.g...
A 2022-10-22: https://www.google.com/search?q=pre-roe%20ban
Q 2022-04-12: Good English-language German grammar from pre-WWII?
A 2021-07-29: (pre)given concept
Q 2020-12-02: pre-literate
A 2020-05-01: The nobility had lost their privileges rather than their social pre-eminence
A 2019-10-16: pre-therapy
Q 2019-05-07: pre registration
A 2018-01-12: (initial) pre-production personnel costs
A 2017-11-30: Anlauffahrzeuge (Vorserienfahrzeuge) > ramp-up vehicles (pre-series vehicles)
A 2017-05-04: to a pre-set cluster
A 2017-01-24: housemen (before 2005) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pre-registration_hou...
A 2016-07-27: quasi pre-state law (cf. non-state law > nichtstaatliches Recht)
Q 2015-11-19: procurement request, purchase request, purchase requisition, pre-requisition
Q 2015-11-10: Pre-requisition
A 2015-10-23: "pre-produced demo"
Q 2015-10-10: Pre-drying
Q 2015-07-09: pre-sentencing probation officer
Q 2015-01-04: to teach pre-algebra
Q 2014-12-22: pre-K

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