| English | German | |
| tech. pre-acceptance test | Vorabnahmeprüfung {f} [auch Pre-Acceptance-Test] | |
Partial Matches |
| econ. QM acceptance test | Abnahmeprüfung {f} [Qualitätssicherung, QS-Terminus] | |
| QM tech. acceptance test | Abnahmetest {m} | |
| acceptance test | Abnahmeversuch {m} | |
| acceptance test | Aufnahmetest {m} | |
| acceptance test | Funktionstest {m} | |
| acceptance test | technische Abnahme {f} | |
| acceptance test | Übernahmeprüfung {f} | |
| acceptance test | Übernahmetest {m} | |
| comp. market. acceptance test <AT> | Akzeptanztest {m} | |
| tech. acceptance test certificate | Abnahmeprüfzeugnis {n} | |
| acceptance test certificate | Abnahmezeugnis {n} | |
| acceptance test procedure | Abnahmevorschrift {f} | |
| acceptance test record | Abnahmeprüfprotokoll {n} | |
| aviat. flight acceptance test | Abnahmetest {m} | |
| econ. QM tech. partial acceptance test | Teilabnahmeprüfung {f} [Qualitätssicherung, QS-Terminus] | |
| ind. tech. factory acceptance test <FAT> | Abnahme {f} [einer techn. Anlage beim Anlagenhersteller] | |
| ind. tech. factory acceptance test <FAT> | Werksabnahme {f} [Abnahme einer Maschine durch den Kunden beim Hersteller] | |
| aviat. tech. operational acceptance test <OAT> | betrieblicher Abnahmetest {m} [Überprüfung einer technischen Anlage im laufenden Betrieb] | |
| tech. site acceptance test <SAT> | Abnahme {f} [Überprüfung einer technischen Anlage am Aufstellort] | |
| comp. user acceptance test <UAT> | Abnahmetest {m} | |
| comp. user acceptance test <UAT> | Akzeptanztest {m} [Abnahmetest] | |
| comp. QM hardware acceptance test specification <HATS> | Hardware-Akzeptanztest-Spezifikation {f} | |
| ind. pharm. QM system acceptance test specification <SATS> | System-Akzeptanztest-Spezifikation {f} | |
| comp. tech. system and acceptance test <SAT> | System- und Abnahmetest {m} <SAT> | |
| pre-test loop | vorprüfende Schleife {f} | |
| comp. ind. tech. factory acceptance test <FAT> [also: factory acceptance testing] | Werkabnahme {f} [Werksabnahme] | |
| med. pre-test probability [of a disease] | Vortest-Wahrscheinlichkeit {f} [einer Erkrankung] | |
| acad. med. pre-test / pretest [attr.] [study, probability, etc.] | Vor-Test- [Studie, Wahrscheinlichkeit usw.] | |
| educ. pre-kindergarten <pre-K> [children 0-4 years old] | Krippe {f} [Kinder 0-3 Jahre] | |
| med. pre-type 2 diabetes (mellitus) <pT2D, pre-T2DM> | Prä-Typ-2-Diabetes (mellitus) {m} | |
| relig. pre-conciliar / pre-Conciliar / preconciliar {adj} [before the Second Vatican Council] | vorkonziliar [vor dem 2. Vatikanum] | |
| stat. extreme studentized deviate test <ESD test> [Grubbs' test] | Ausreißertest {m} nach Grubbs | |
| stat. maximum normed residual test <MNR test> [Grubbs' test] | Ausreißertest {m} nach Grubbs | |
| math. Agrawal-Kayal-Saxena primality test <AKS primality test> | Agrawal-Kayal-Saxena-Primzahltest {m} <AKS-Primzahltest> | |
| biol. med. hamster zona-free ovum test <HZFO test> [sperm penetration assay] | Hamster-Ovum-Penetrationstest {m} <HOP-Test> | |
| MedTech. image quality quick test <IQ quick test> | Bildqualitäts-Quicktest {m} <BQ-Quick-Test> | |
| med. multiple sleep latency test <MSLT, MSL test> | multiple Schlaflatenztestung {f} <MSLT, MSL-Test> | |
| med. multiple sleep latency test <MSLT, MSL test> | multipler Schlaflatenztest {m} <MSLT, MSL-Test> | |
| audio alternate binaural loudness balance test <ABLB test> | ABLB-Test {m} [Fowler-Test] | |
| med. prostate cancer antigen 3 test <PCA3 test> | PCA3-Test {m} | |
| audio speech perception in noise test <SPIN test> | SPIN-Test {m} [ein Sprachverständlichkeitstest] | |
| med. flexion, abduction and external rotation test <FABER test> [also: (Patrick's) FABER test] | Patrick-Test {m} [auch: Patrick-Faber-Test] [Vierertest] | |
| constr. California bearing ratio test <CBR test> | California-Bearing-Ratio-Versuch {m} <CBR-Versuch> | |
| Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel test <CMH test> | Cochran-Mantel-Haenszel-Test {m} <CMH-Test> | |
| med. passive leg raise test <PLR test> | Passive-Leg-Raise-Test {m} | |
| med. passive leg raising test <PLR test> | Passive-Leg-Raise-Test {m} | |
| med. purified protein derivative test <PPD test> | PPD-Test {m} | |
| med. slug mucosal irritation test <SMI test> | Nacktschnecken-Schleimhaut-Reizungstest {m} | |
| med. treponema pallidum immobilization test <TPI test> | Treponema-pallidum-Immobilisationstest {m} <TPI-Test> | |
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More informationContains translations by TU Chemnitz and Mr Honey's Business Dictionary (German-English). Thank you!
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