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English-German Dictionary

English-German translation for: precisely.
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Dictionary English German: precisely

Translation 1 - 38 of 38

English German
SYNO   exactly | just | precisely ... 
precisely {adv}
precisely {adv}
Precisely. [agreeing with someone's opinion]
precisely {adv}
precisely {adv}
eben [gerade, genau]
precisely {adv}
gerade [eben, genau]
tech. precisely {adj}
feinfühlig [präzise] [bei Mechanik]
precisely {adv}
pingelig [ugs.]
2 Words: Others
(very) precisely {adv}haargenau [ugs.]
more precisely {adv}genauer
more precisely {adv}näherhin
more precisely {adv}genauer gesagt
precisely accurate {adj}punktgenau
precisely because {conj}eben weil
precisely because {conj}gerade weil
precisely defined {adj} {past-p}präzise definiert
precisely fitting {adj}passgenau
precisely not [the opposite is true]eben nicht
tech. precisely tailored {adj}maßgenau
2 Words: Verbs
to define preciselygenau bestimmen
to precisely definepräzise definieren
chem. phys. to weigh sth. preciselyetw.Akk. auswägen
3 Words: Others
at six precisely {adv}um Punkt 6
or more preciselyoder besser gesagt [genauer gesagt]
3 Words: Verbs
to define sth. more preciselyetw. präzisieren
to state more preciselypräzisieren
4 Words: Others
as precisely as possible {adv}so genau wie möglich
at two o'clock precisely {adv}genau um 2 Uhr
precisely at five o'clock {adv}genau um 5 Uhr
Precisely why I have ...Genau deshalb habe ich ...
4 Words: Verbs
tech. to line up precisely with sth.bündig abschließen mit etw.Dat.
to stipulate clearly and preciselyklar und deutlich festlegen
5+ Words: Others
... with which the unit movements can be precisely controlled...., mit denen die Gerätebewegungen fein dosierbar gesteuert werden können.
(precisely) at a time like this {adv}gerade in dieser Zeit
quote A wizard is never late... nor is he early. He arrives precisely when he means to. [The Lord of the Rings]Ein Zauberer kommt nie zu spät... Ebensowenig zu früh. Er trifft genau dann ein, wenn er es für richtig hält.
precisely in times like thesegerade in diesen Zeiten
that is / was precisely (the reason) why {adv}ebendeshalb
that is / was precisely (the reason) why {adv}ebendeswegen
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A 2016-09-15: The landlord shall precisely specify each item of the deferred increase.
A 2016-06-19: More precisely: letter greeting / letter opening / letter salutation
A 2016-03-31: More precisely: the claim put forward by a person / company etc.
A 2016-02-24: This depends a great deal on what precisely you'd like to say.
A 2016-01-20: You may need to define it more precisely.
A 2015-12-23: More precisely: repair of the vehicle at a cost which reflects its current...
A 2015-08-25: Hier "wohl" im Sinn von indeed, und "eben" im Sinn von exactly/precisely.
A 2015-03-28: precisely aligned
A 2014-06-04: the screws will be set delicately and precisely in this position
A 2014-05-06: More precisely - a warrant is out for sb's arrest
A 2013-11-12: This phrase goes back to late 14th-c England, and more precisely to John W...
A 2013-11-02: More precisely: ... influence which city I choose ...
A 2013-06-24: But those are, for the most part, "choiceless choices". More precisely, I...
A 2013-01-16: A bit more precisely: protecting it from damage (frayed edges, cuts, holes...
A 2012-07-05: Cool, but more precisely it means "never used at full power or anywhere ne...
A 2012-04-05: It's present perfect precisely because you still do it :-))
A 2012-03-02: Precisely!
A 2012-02-19: More precisely: concept for thinking sth \ concept of thinking (in general)
A 2011-09-15: Not precisely...
A 2011-05-12: ...or more precisely...

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precisely define
precisely defined
precisely fitting
precisely in times like these
precisely not
precisely tailored
Precisely why I have

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