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English-German translation for: preparing healthy
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Dictionary English German: preparing healthy

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med. sociol. healthy user bias <HUB> [base rate fallacy in epidemiologic studies]Healthy User Bias {m} {n} [Prävalenzfehler in Arzneimittelstudien]
preparing {adj} {pres-p}aufbereitend
preparing {pres-p}vorbereitend
preparing for {adj}anschickend
gastr. preparing knifeZubereitungsmesser {n}
vegetable (preparing) knifeGemüseputzmesser {n}
preparing the / an exhibitionAusstellungsvorbereitung {f}
jobs med. sociol. healthy worker effect <HWE>Healthy-Worker-Effekt {m} <HWE>
healthy {adj}gesund
healthy {adj}wohlbehalten
med. eye-healthy {adj}augengesund
heart-healthy {adj}herzgesund
hereditarily healthy {adj}erbgesund
perfectly healthy {adj}kerngesund
healthy climateHeilklima {n}
ecol. RealEst. healthy housingWohngesundheit {f}
healthy peopleGesunde {pl}
med. healthy personGesunder {m}
psych. mentally healthy {adj}psychisch gesund
Stay healthy.Bleib gesund.
biol. (healthy) carrierKonduktor {m} [Genetik]
healthy appetitegesunder Appetit {m}
healthy attitudegesunde Ansicht {f}
healthy basissolide Grundlage {f}
comm. healthy companygesundes Unternehmen {n}
dent. healthy dentitiongesundes Gebiss {n}
healthy dietgesunde Ernährung {f}
healthy eatinggesunde Ernährung {f}
healthy habitsgesunde Gewohnheiten {pl}
ecol. RealEst. healthy housinggesundes Wohnen {n}
gastr. healthy mealgesunde Mahlzeit {f}
gastr. healthy nutritiongesunde Ernährung {f}
healthy progenygesunde Nachkommenschaft {f}
healthy respectgesunder Respekt {m}
healthy respectHeidenrespekt {m} [ugs.]
psych. healthy selfgesundes Selbst {n}
healthy suspiciongesundes Misstrauen {n}
med. healthy volunteergesunder Proband {m}
healthy eating pyramidErnährungspyramide {f}
dent. nature-healthy dentitionnaturgesundes Gebiss {n}
with a healthy climate {adj}heilklimatisch
med. subjects with healthy eyesAugengesunde {pl}
to keep oneself healthysich gesund erhalten
healthy even heatgesunde gleichförmige Hitze {f}
to live a healthy lifegesund leben
healthy {adj} [considerable in size or amount]beträchtlich
to be pronounced healthyfür gesund erklärt werden
Are you healthy? [singular, informal]Bist du gesund?
to be strong and healthystark und gesund sein
to earn a healthy profiteinen ansehnlichen Gewinn machen
advocate of healthy livingVerfechter {m} eines gesunden Lebenswandels
to eat / have a healthy dietsich gesund ernähren
to stay healthy through activitysich durch Bewegung fit halten
to stay healthy through activityweder rasten noch rosten [Redewendung]
to stay sane and healthygeistig und körperlich gesund bleiben
Happy and Healthy New Year!Frohes, gesundes neues Jahr!
healthy living and working conditionsgesunde Wohn- und Arbeitsverhältnisse {pl}
to be (as) healthy as a horse [coll.] [idiom]kerngesund sein
a crucial factor for healthy agingein wesentlicher Faktor {m} für gutes Altern
maintenance of safe and healthy working conditionsAufrechterhaltung {f} sicherer und gesunder Arbeitsbedingungen
requirements concerning healthy living and working conditionsAnforderungen {pl} an gesunde Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen
demands of providing healthy living and working conditionsAnforderungen {pl} an gesunde Lebens- und Arbeitsbedingungen
journ. pol. healthy majority [coll.] [fig.] [substantial majority]satte Mehrheit {f} [ugs.] [fig.]
a healthy mind in a healthy bodyein gesunder Geist {m} in einem gesunden Körper
proverb quote Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. [Benjamin Franklin]Morgenstund hat Gold im Mund.
lit. VetMed. F The Koi Doctor - Your guide to keeping healthy koi [Maarten Lammens]Der Koi Doktor - Der Leitfaden für gesunde Koihaltung
healthy persongesunde Person {f}
gastr. healthy portiongesunde Portion {f}
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