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English-German translation for: presume
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Dictionary English German: presume

Translation 1 - 20 of 20

English German
VERB  to presume | presumed | presumed ... 
SYNO   to dare | to make bold | to presume ... 
to presume (sth.) [suppose]
(etw.) vermuten
to presume (sth.)
(etw.) annehmen [mutmaßen]
to presume sth. [assume]
etw.Akk. voraussetzen [annehmen]
to presume sth. [assume]
etw. mutmaßen
to presume sth.
etw. erwarten [vermuten]
to presumesich vorwagen
to presumesichDat. Freiheiten erlauben
to presume [venture]sich unterfangen [geh.]
to presume sth. [a right etc.]sichDat. etw. anmaßen
2 Words
to presume tosich erdreisten [geh.]
3 Words
to presume a rightsichDat. ein Recht anmaßen
to presume to do sth.sichDat. etw. erlauben [herausnehmen]
to presume to do sth.sichDat. etw. herausnehmen [ugs.] [sich etw. anmaßen]
to presume to do sth.sichAkk. vermessen, etw. zu tun [geh.] [anmaßen, herausnehmen]
to presume to do sth.sichDat. anmaßen, etw. zu tun
to presume too farsichDat. zuviel zutrauen [alt]
to presume too farsichDat. zu viel zutrauen
4 Words
to presume a great dealsichDat. viel einbilden
to presume on sb.'s good naturejds. Gutmütigkeit ausnutzen
to presume that sb. will comeannehmen, dass jd. kommen wird
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Q 2018-04-18: "proscription" not "prescription", I presume.
Q 2016-01-12: to presume too far ?
A 2015-06-27: presume
A 2014-05-28: I presume it is reported speech in German. If it's a general truth I'd use...
A 2013-01-05: I presume this is an exercie. Here is my translation in everyday speech, ...
Q 2012-07-05: How exactly do 'to take liberties to do sth.' and 'to presume to do sth.' ...
A 2012-01-29: I presume he/she wanted to write: capable of sustaining
Q 2011-08-22: "Nor one feeling of vengeance presume to defile / The Curse of the men fro...
A 2011-01-16: How could I presume to know what you're thinking?
A 2010-12-18: I presume this is a review of Dead Poet's Society?
A 2010-10-26: You mean you're not satisfied, I presume? (saturated=gesättigt)
Q 2010-07-05: I presume you were having her followed.
A 2010-05-31: one may presume that the amount is to be paid back.
A 2010-04-09: A Tramp Abroad, I presume.
A 2010-02-23: @mwk: And less difficult, I presume.
A 2009-07-31: Presume
A 2009-01-13: Gender mainstreaming, I presume
A 2009-01-11: Swiss, I presume, for "Transformatorabzweigung" -
A 2008-08-21: presume: It is sometimes followed by of, but improperly. http://1828.mshaf...
Q 2008-08-21: presume of

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