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English-German translation for: primordial church
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Deutsch - Englisch

Dictionary English German: primordial church

Translation 1 - 50 of 934  >>

relig. primordial churchUrkirche {f}
Partial Matches
relig. Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day-Saints <LDS Church> [the Mormons]Kirche {f} Jesu Christi der Heiligen der Letzten Tage [die Mormonen]
primordial {adj}naturwüchsig [urwüchsig]
spec. primordial {adj}primordial
primordial {adj}Ur-
primordial {adj}uranfänglich
primordial {adj}ursprünglich
primordial basisUrgrund {m}
primordial beginningUranfang {m}
primordial beingUrwesen {n}
anat. primordial bonePrimordialknochen {m}
biol. primordial cellUrzelle {f}
primordial chaosUrchaos {n}
philos. relig. primordial experienceUrerfahrung {f}
philos. primordial factUrtatsache {f}
psych. primordial fearUrangst {f}
primordial fireUrfeuer {n}
astron. phys. primordial fluctuationPrimordiale Fluktuation {f}
anat. primordial folliclePrimordialfollikel {m}
primordial formUrgestalt {f}
astron. primordial gasUrgas {n}
ethn. relig. primordial godUrgott {m}
mycol. primordial hyphaPrimordialhyphe {f}
primordial lawUrgesetz {n}
myth. primordial manUrmensch {m}
primordial matterUrmaterie {f}
philos. primordial matterUrstoff {m}
relig. primordial motherUrmutter {f}
primordial natureUrnatur {f}
primordial needurmenschliches Bedürfnis {n}
astron. phys. primordial nucleosynthesisprimordiale Nukleosynthese {f}
primordial oceanUrmeer {n}
biol. primordial organOrgananlage {f}
bot. philos. primordial plantUrpflanze {f}
nucl. primordial plasmaUrplasma {n}
hist. primordial raceUrrasse {f}
law philos. primordial rightUrrecht {n}
biol. acad. primordial soupUrschleim {m}
games primordial soupUrsuppe {f}
relig. primordial timeUrzeit {f}
primordial times {pl}Urzeit {f}
myth. primordial waters {pl}Urgewässer {n}
philos. relig. primordial willUrwille {m}
mus. F Primordial LightUrlicht [G. Mahler]
biol. primordial germ cellUrgeschlechtszelle {f}
biol. primordial germ cellUrkeimzelle {f}
myth. philos. primordial human beingUrmensch {m}
astron. phys. primordial black hole <PBH>primordiales Schwarzes Loch {n}
primordial forms of lifeUrformen {pl} des Lebens
bibl. Primordial History [Gen. 1-11]Urgeschichte {f}
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