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English-German translation for: problem as a whole
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Dictionary English German: problem as a whole

Translation 1 - 50 of 35002  >>

problem as a wholeGesamtproblematik {f}
Partial Matches
as a whole {adv}als Ganzes
as a whole {adv}gesamtheitlich
as a whole {adv}im Ganzen
as a whole {adv}in seiner Ganzheit
as a whole {adv}insgesamt [als Ganzes]
seen as a whole {adv}aufs Ganze gesehen
taken as a whole {adv}insgesamt
Taken as a whole ...Insgesamt betrachtet ...
viewed as a whole {adv}aufs Ganze gesehen
economy as a wholeGesamtwirtschaft {f}
hist. Germany as a wholeGesamtdeutschland {n}
pol. Unverified nation as a wholeVolksganze {n}
biol. med. organism as a wholeGesamtorganismus {m}
society as a wholeGesamtgesellschaft {f}
trade as a wholeHandel {m} im Allgemeinen
across Switzerland as a whole {adv}gesamtschweizerisch
in society as a whole {adv}gesamtgesellschaftlich
tech. the plant as a wholedie Gesamtanlage {f}
the population as a wholedie Gesamtheit {f} der Bevölkerung
the university as a wholedie Gesamtuniversität {f}
taken as a whole {adv} [in total]im Ganzen genommen
as part of a greater wholeals Teil eines größeren Ganzen
econ. of the economy as a whole {adj}gesamtwirtschaftlich
development of society as a wholegesamtgesellschaftliche Entwicklung {f}
task for society as a wholegesamtgesellschaftliche Aufgabe {f}
[they] shall be considered as a whole[sie] sollen als Ganzes betrachtet werden
in society as a whole {adj} [attr.] [postpos.]gesamtgesellschaftlich
sth. shall be considered as a wholeetw. soll als Ganzes betrachtet werden
to emerge as a new problemals neues Problem auftauchen
from the point of view of society as a whole {adv}aus gesamtgesellschaftlicher Perspektive
from the point of view of society as a whole {adv}aus gesamtgesellschaftlicher Sicht
It was not as big a problem as expected.Es war weniger problematisch als erwartet.
math. a wholeein Eintel {n} [schweiz. meist {m}]
a wholeein Ganzes {n}
a whole lifetime {adv}ein ganzes Leben lang
a harmonious wholeein harmonisches Ganzes {n}
a unified wholeein geschlossenes Ganzes {n}
a whole loteine ganze Menge {f}
a whole serieseine ganze Reihe {f}
a (whole) bunch [Am.]jede Menge {f} [ugs.]
a whole lotta [sl.]eine ganze Menge {f}
to form a (unified) wholeeine Einheit bilden
a (whole) host ofjede Menge {f} [ugs.]
a whole five daysganze fünf Tage {pl}
a whole pile ofein ganzer Haufen {m} von
a whole string of ...ein (ganzer) Rattenschwanz {m} von ... [ugs.]
a whole string of ...eine (lange) Latte {f} von ... [ugs.] [lange Reihe, z. B. von Fragen]
a whole day's workArbeit {f} eines ganzen Tages
a whole nother world [coll.]eine ganz andere Welt {f}
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