| English | German | |
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Partial Matches |
| pornographic {adj} | pornografisch | |
| pornographic {adj} | pornographisch | |
| child pornographic {adj} | kinderpornografisch | |
| child pornographic {adj} | kinderpornographisch | |
| jobs pornographic actress | Pornodarstellerin {f} | |
| lit. pornographic literature | Pornoliteratur {f} | |
| jobs pornographic actors | Pornodarsteller {pl} [ugs.] | |
| pornographic radio play | Pornohörspiel {n} | |
| produced {adj} {past-p} | erzeugt | |
| produced {adj} {past-p} | hergestellt | |
| produced {adj} {past-p} | produziert | |
| produced {adj} {past-p} | verfertigt | |
| internally produced {adj} | eigengefertigt | |
| comm. ind. mass-produced {adj} | massengefertigt | |
| mass-produced {adj} {past-p} | massenproduziert | |
| ind. RadioTV pre-produced {adj} {past-p} | vorproduziert | |
| self produced | Eigenfabrikat {n} | |
| waste produced | Abfallaufkommen {n} | |
| sb. produced | jd. erwirtschaftete | |
| artificially produced {adj} | künstlich erzeugt | |
| batch-produced {adj} | chargenmäßig produziert | |
| comp. ind. computer-produced {adj} | maschinell erstellt | |
| FoodInd. med. pharm. genetically produced {adj} | gentechnisch hergestellt | |
| incorrectly produced {adj} {past-p} | fehlerhaft hergestellt | |
| locally produced {adj} | lokal hergestellt | |
| agr. FoodInd. organically produced {adj} {past-p} | biologisch erzeugt | |
| produced by | hergestellt von | |
| ecol. sustainably produced {adj} {past-p} | nachhaltig produziert | |
| goods produced | produzierte Waren {pl} | |
| produced quantity | hergestellte Menge {f} | |
| quantity produced | gefertigte Menge {f} | |
| gastr. factory-produced cheese | Fabrikkäse {m} | |
| home produced goods | Inlandserzeugnisse {pl} | |
| comm. econ. home-produced goods {pl} | Inlandsware {f} | |
| mass-produced article | Massenartikel {m} | |
| mass-produced article | Massenprodukt {n} | |
| comm. mass-produced goods | Massengüter {pl} | |
| comm. mass-produced goods {pl} | Massenware {f} | |
| comm. mass-produced items | Massenartikel {pl} | |
| mass-produced products | Massenprodukte {pl} | |
| oenol. mass-produced wine | Massenwein {m} | |
| cloth. ecol. organically produced leather | Ökoleder {n} | |
| self produced article | Eigenfabrikat {n} | |
| self produced article | Eigenfabrikate {pl} | |
| home-produced products | heimische Erzeugnisse {pl} | |
| oenol. mass-produced wine | Tafelwein {m} [Qualitätsbezeichnung] | |
| amount of waste produced | Abfallaufkommen {n} | |
| film pornographic film | pornografischer Film {m} | |
| mass-produced {adj} {past-p} | in großen Mengen hergestellt | |
| produced in series {adj} {past-p} [postpos.] | serienmäßig gefertigt | |
| theatre badly produced play | schlecht produziertes Theaterstück {n} | |
| produced naturally in the body {adj} | körpereigen | |
| mass-produced {adj} | fabrikmäßig hergestellt [in großen Mengen] | |
| econ. ind. produced for export {adj} [postpos.] | für Exportzwecke hergestellt | |
| comm. econ. home-produced goods {pl} | im Inland hergestellte Ware {f} | |
| acc. internally produced and capitalized assets | aktivierte Eigenleistungen {pl} | |
| produced {adj} {past-p} [e.g. certificate, proof of identity] | vorgewiesen | |
| It produced an effect. | Es zeigte eine Wirkung. | |
| acc. internally produced and capitalised assets [Br.] | aktivierte Eigenleistungen {pl} | |
| produced by traditional techniques | nach (alter) handwerklicher Tradition (hergestellt) | |
| acc. company-produced additions to plant and equipment | aktivierte Eigenleistungen {pl} | |
| philos. relig. gift that cannot be produced by human effort | nicht herstellbares Geschenk {n} | |
| naturally produced {past-p} {adj} [ecologically produced foodstuffs, clothing etc.] | naturgerecht hergestellt [ökologische Lebensmittel, Bekleidung usw.] | |
| produced by the same person {adj} [postpos.] | von derselben Person gefertigt | |
| comm. ind. German-produced {adj} [car, machine etc.] | in Deutschland gefertigt [Auto, Maschine etc.] | |
| comm. ind. German-produced {adj} [goods, car etc.] | in Deutschland hergestellt [Produkte, Auto etc.] | |
| produced by the same person {adj} [postpos.] | gefertigt von derselben Person [nachgestellt] | |
| to be produced in vast numbers [magazines] | in riesigen Auflagen produziert werden | |
| produced by the same person {adj} [postpos.] | gefertigt von der gleichen Person [nachgestellt] [ugs.] [gefertigt von derselben Person] | |
| oenol. quality wine produced in specific regions <QWPSR, QWpsr, French wine: v.q.p.r.d., VQPRD> | Qualitätswein {m} bestimmter Anbaugebiete <QbA> | |
| econ. geogr. ind. German-produced {adj} [car, machine, film etc.] | in Deutschland produziert [Auto, Maschine, Film etc.] | |
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