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English-German translation for: producing
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Dictionary English German: producing

Translation 1 - 50 of 78  >>

English German
NOUN   a producing | producings
VERB  to produce | produced | produced
producing | produces
producing {adj} {pres-p}
producing {adj}
producing {adj}Herstellungs-
Erzeugung {f}
2 Words: Others
biol. aldosterone-producing {adj}aldosteronproduzierend
biol. med. antibody-producing {adj}antikörperproduzierend [auch: Antikörper produzierend]
anxiety-producing {adj}angsterzeugend
biol. bud-producing {adj}knospenbildend
biochem. calcitonin-producing {adj}calcitoninproduzierend
med. cancer-producing {adj}krebserzeugend
dent. caries-producing {adj}kariogen
agr. cotton-producing {adj}baumwollproduzierend
electricity-producing {adj} [attr.]Strom produzierend
biol. endospore-producing {adj} {pres-p}endosporenbildend
biochem. enzyme-producing {adj}enzymbildend
flame-producing {adj}flammenerzeugend
entom. gall-producing {adj}gallenerzeugend
entom. gall-producing {adj}gallerzeugend
hormone-producing {adj}hormonproduzierend
MedTech. photo. image-producing {adj}bilderzeugend
income-producing {adj}Einkommen schaffend
med. insulin-producing {adj}insulinproduzierend
milk-producing {adj} {pres-p}milcherzeugend
oil-producing {adj}erdölfördernd
oil-producing {adj}ölfördernd
oil-producing {adj}Erdöl produzierend
med. producing pus {adj} [pyogenic]eitererzeugend [pyogen]
producing soot {adj} [postpos.]rußend
profit-producing {adj}gewinnbringend
biol. prolactin-producing {adj}prolaktinproduzierend
market. results-producing {adj}effektiv [wirksam]
results-producing {adj}erfolgbringend
shadow-producing {adj}schattengebend
audio sound-producing {adj}schallerzeugend
spark-producing {adj}funkenerzeugend
bot. spore-producing {adj}sporenbildend
tea-producing {adj}teeproduzierend
agr. wine-producing {adj}weinproduzierend
2 Words: Nouns
agr. -producing area-anbaugebiet {n}
agr. producing countriesAnbauländer {pl}
econ. producing countries [e.g. oil]Förderländer {pl} [z. B. Erdöl]
comm. econ. producing countryErzeugerland {n}
oenol. wine producingWeinherstellung {f}
3 Words: Nouns
chief producing districtHaupterzeugungsgebiet {n}
geogr. mining coal-producing lands [nations or smaller areas like federal states]Kohleländer {pl}
agr. EU FoodInd. food-producing animalsder Lebensmittelgewinnung dienende Tiere {pl}
ind. goods-producing sectorgüterproduzierender Sektor {m}
biochem. growth-producing vitaminWachstumsvitamin {n}
heat-producing applianceFeuerstätte {f}
heat-producing applianceWärmeversorgungsanlage {f}
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Q 2021-04-13: it´s expensive to produce / or: it´s expensive producing
A 2010-06-07: better: for producing angle welds
Q 2010-05-31: results-producing
A 2009-02-20: He is always looking for girls to make them rich & famous by producing mov...
A 2009-02-05: "Because producing them was hard work, they needed workers."
A 2008-10-14: producing from then...turning into smacks of Harry Potter :-)
A 2008-10-08: More like 'plowing up natural meadow lands' to turn them into crop-produci...
A 2008-08-02: ... it is our duty/obligation....to do *our* best. with regard to energy-r...
A 2008-07-13: As Wolfgang's invention is so ingenious, he is considering founding his ow...
A 2008-06-06: Dicey; perhaps: the billions of dollars made by W. St. and the oil-produci...
A 2008-02-27: as ddr said: on being confronted with/shown, on producing/bringing up
A 2007-05-31: partially overlapping grid producing nearly all/the whole gamut of colour shades
A 2007-04-13: I need a bit more - machines are producing this? what machine?
A 2007-02-13: technology-producing industry
A 2006-10-16: I would say yes - be ready to identify yourself by producing your passport...
A 2006-07-17: so that are companies, producing semi-finished material
A 2004-08-12: wine-growing v. wine-producing
A 2004-01-16: a skilled worker or workface producing quality items

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