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English-German translation for: professor
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Dictionary English German: professor

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NOUN   a professor | professors
SYNO   prof | professor
NOUN   der Professor | die Professoren
SYNO   Hochschulprofessor | Prof [ugs.] ... 
Professor {m}
professor [female]
Professorin {f}
acad. don [Br.] [esp. at Oxford & Cambridge]
Professor {m}
acad. educ. jobs professor
Hochschullehrer {m}
[honorary title in Austria]Professor {m} [österr.] [Ehrentitel]
educ. [inofficial title and address for a grammar school teacher in Austria]Professor {m} [österr. auch für: Gymnasiallehrer]
relig. professor [archaic] [of a faith] [esp. in puritanical lit.]Bekenner {m} [selten] [eines Glaubens, z. B. bekennender Christ]
acad. professor [full professor]Ordinarius {m}
acad. educ. jobs reader [Br.]außerordentlicher Professor {m}
2 Words: Nouns
adjunct professorHilfsprofessor {m}
acad. adjunct professoraußerplanmäßiger Professor {m} <apl. Prof.>
educ. adjunct professor [Am.] [Can.]Lehrbeauftragter {m} [jederzeit kündbar]
adjunct professor [female]Assistenzprofessorin {f}
acad. educ. jobs adjunct professor <Adj. Prof., Adj. Professor> [Am.]Privatdozent {m} <Priv.-Doz., PD>
educ. assistant professorAssistenzprofessor {m}
educ. assistant professorHochschulassistent {m}
acad. educ. assistant professorwissenschaftlicher Assistent {m} [veraltet]
educ. jobs assistant professor [Am.]Hochschuldozent {m} [Hochschullehrer]
acad. assistant professor [female]Assistenzprofessorin {f}
educ. assistant professor [female]Hochschulassistentin {f}
educ. associate professor [Am.]Extraordinarius {m}
acad. associate professor [Am.]außerordentlicher Professor {m} [österr., schweiz.] <ao. Prof., Ao. Prof.>
educ. associate professor [Am.] [Can.]Lehrbeauftragter {m} [vertraglich angestellt]
acad. jobs associate professor [North America]Privatdozent {m} <Priv.-Doz., PD>
acad. astron. jobs astronomy professorAstronomieprofessor {m}
biol. jobs biology professorBiologieprofessor {m}
educ. jobs mus. cello professorCelloprofessor {m}
educ. jobs mus. cello professor [female]Celloprofessorin {f}
educ. jobs college professorCollegeprofessor {m} [in den USA etc.]
educ. jobs college professorHochschullehrer {m}
educ. jobs college professor [female]Hochschullehrerin {f}
acad. emeritus professoremeritierter Professor {m} <Prof. em., Prof. emer.>
educ. endowed professorStiftungsprofessor {m}
acad. endowed professor [female]Stiftungsprofessorin {f}
acad. exchange professorAustauschprofessor {m}
acad. extraordinary professor [not holding a chair]außerordentlicher Professor {m}
educ. favorite professor [Am.]Lieblingsprofessor {m}
educ. favourite professor [Br.]Lieblingsprofessor {m}
educ. full professorOrdinarius {m} [ordentlicher Professor, Lehrstuhlinhaber]
acad. full professor [Am.]Lehrstuhlinhaber {m} [Ordinarius]
educ. full professor [female]Ordinaria {f}
acad. full professor [holding a chair]ordentlicher Professor {m} <o. Prof.>
acad. educ. Harvard professorHarvardprofessor {m}
educ. honorary professorHonorarprofessor {m}
acad. educ. honorary professorTitularprofessor {m}
acad. honorary professorHonorar-Professor {m}
educ. junior professorJuniorprofessor {m}
educ. junior professor [female]Juniorprofessorin {f}
acad. jobs lady professor [dated]Professorin {f}
educ. jobs law law professorJuraprofessor {m}
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A 2020-11-18: an Professor Quatschny erinnere ich mich ...
Q 2020-08-04: graduate seminar professor (USA)
A 2020-03-04: Teaching Assistant (TA), definitely not assistant professor
A 2016-12-11: 07:37 Is +uffie+ a literature professor??? Has she any grasp of the contex...
A 2016-06-27: to qualify as a professor, to habilitate
A 2015-10-08: 'We' — that is about 25 German, French and Belgian participants ranging fr...
A 2015-05-20: Man liebt im Deutschen Formulierung mit -professor:
A 2015-05-20: "Professor", weil er tatsächlich Professor war.
Q 2015-04-06: Professor der Geisteswissenschaften
A 2015-02-04: Even a professor:
A 2014-05-05: to write your bachelor's thesis under (professor XYZ)
A 2014-03-20: Professor
A 2014-03-19: He is a Professor at the London Business School
Q 2014-03-19: He is (a?) Professor at (the?) London Business School
A 2014-02-16: Hätt ich fei nicht gedacht, daß man in so kurzer Zeit ein Studium abschlie...
A 2013-12-07: Ein Professor brachte das Argument hervor, nachdem seine Hochschul-Klasse ...
Q 2013-04-06: What say you, Professor?
A 2013-04-02: @ alle: bitte Herrn Professor Bretzel nicht als "Spam" markieren!
A 2013-03-31: @Professor Bretzel
A 2013-03-27: Herr Professor?

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